Chapter Forty Three

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MY EYES DROPPED TO his lips as he flicked his tongue out slowly licking his bottom lip. He took another step forward.

"You want me to fuck you?"

I nod sucking a shaky breath as my heartbeat increased. Heat pooled between my legs when he took another step closer. His eyes darkened as they dropped to my chest again.

"Right here?"


Stephen smirked stopping a few inches from me. Leaning down he captured my lips with his, one hand wrapped in my hair pulling my head back so he can deepened the kiss. Pulling back he nipped my bottom lip making me moan. Wrapping his hands around my hips he moved us backwards. My legs hit the couch making my eyes widened slightly.

His lips caught mine again as he slowly lowered me onto it. Stephen hovered above me his eyes trailing over my face. Giving me a small smile he sat up, one knee on the couch and the other foot on the floor.

His fingers hooked in the band of my pajama pants. I lifted my hips as he pulled it down my legs along with my panties. Lifting one of my legs he placed it on the back of the couch.

"Stephen." A shocked gasp fell from my lips when he leaned down placing his mouth on my pussy.

Pushing up on my elbows I watched him. He licked my slit, eyes locking with mine as his lips closed around my bud. Throwing my head back I sighed, eyes fluttering close. He circled my bud in a figure eight once, twice then slipped his tongue inside my pussy.

My arms weakened making me drop back onto my back. With one hand I gripped the couch, my other hand moved to his hair. I moaned lifting my hips as he started French kissing my pussy. Fuck, I thought he was a good kisser before, but that was before I knew what else he can do with his mouth.

My muscles tightened, that familiar pull starting in my stomach as my orgasm neared. He pulled away making me whine, which caused him to chuckle. Wiping his mouth he straightened. Stephen pulled me up spinning me around with my back to him.

With one hand on the middle of my back he pushed me down slightly. I feel kind of exposed like this, upper body on the couch and ass in the air. Then I felt a sting before I heard the slap echoing around the room.

I moaned pressing my face against the pillows. Stephen stepped behind me his hands gripping my ass cheeks.

"You look so fucking sexy baby." His voice is low, filled with heat which made another shiver race down my spine.

He slapped my right ass cheek causing my body to jerk forward. A gasp fell from my lips followed by a moan as I felt him slowly slip into me. My muscles instantly clenched around his dick making him curse. Gripping my hips he pulled all the way back before slamming into me again.

His thrusts sped up, hands on my hips tightening every time my pussy muscles clenched around him. I pushed my ass back against him my moans growing louder as my orgasm neared. A harsh slap to my ass made me cry out as I came. Stephen continued to move until I returned back to earth.

Pulling out of me, his hands left my hips making my body slump onto the pillows. Turning my head I glanced over my shoulder at him. He pushed his shorts and underwear down his legs before grabbing a pillow from another couch.

Giving me a wink he lifted my hips placing the pillow under me. Then he climbed onto the couch placing his legs on either side mine.

"If it gets uncomfortable tell me."

"Okay." I swallowed my eyes fluttering close as he spread my ass cheeks.

His mushroom tip nudged my clitoris making me moan. Leaning forward he pressed his chest against my back his breath fanning my neck.

"Do you like it when I fuck you from behind, baby?" Stephen asked nipping my earlobe. "When I spank this sexy ass?"

His hand came down on my ass cheek again making me gasp. Wrapping his other hand around my neck and under my chin, he tilted my head so he could capture my lips. Pushing up on my elbows I moaned lifting my ass to grind against his dick.

Stephen groaned breaking the kiss. Using his hands to push himself up on his knees again he gripped my ass. He surprised me by taking my wrist bending my arms behind my hand.

"Spread your ass cheeks for me." Stephen ordered placing my hands on my ass.

With heated cheeks I did what he ordered. Pressing my legs together he slowly slid inside me. I moaned as his head stroked that familiar spot. His hands closed around my wrist again, keeping my arms in place as he began to move.

"Stephen." I bit my lip sucking in shaky breaths.

He's pounding into my pussy with speed he has never used before. His balls slammed against my clit with every thrust making the sound of skin on skin echo around the room.

The familiar pull started making him groan. "Not yet."

"P-please." My nails dug into into my skin as I tried to concentrate on not exploding. "Stephen."

"Not yet Alia." One hand left mine, it came down hard on my ass. "Who am I?"

"Stephen." The second slap is harsher making me groan. "Oh God."

"Who am I baby?" His voice is harsh, breaths are coming out in pants, just like mine. "Alia."

My mouth has gone completely dry. My eyes squeezed tightly shut as my muscles clenched around him.

"Remember at the beach house?" He panted, leaning forward with his hands next to my face. "You asked me if you should call me daddy?"


"Call me daddy, baby." His lips caught mine for a second before he pulled back.

His hands gripped my hips again pulling my ass up. Stephen placed small kisses over my back, one hand slipping underneath my body. His hand closed around my breast squeezing tightly before lowering.

"Who am I baby?"

"Daddy!" I cried out as his finger found my clit applying pressure.

Another mini orgasm flashed through me as he spilled his seed into me. Slowly his movement slowed his body slumping on top of mine.

"I'll run us a bath." Stephen placed a soft kiss on my shoulder.

"You'll have to carry me." I mumbled, eyes still closed. "I don't think I can walk, my legs are jelly."


Edited by Evil_Doll_04

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