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I GROANED TURNING ONTO my back. The room is filled with light making me frown, feeling for my phone on the bedside table I pressed the button checking the time. It's already past ten.

Why the hell didn't he wake me?

Throwing back the sheets I stood grabbing his discarded shirt from the floor. I pulled it on along with a clean pair of panties. Running a hand through my hair I stepped out of the room. I can hear the faint sound of music coming from downstairs which made my frown deepen.

I found Stephen in the kitchen. My eyes instantly dropped down his muscled back, slowly down to his taunt ass.

"Why are you naked?"

He glanced at me over his shoulder, lips pulling up into a smirk. "It's my house. I can be naked if I want to be."

Rolling my eyes I stepped further into the kitchen heading straight for the coffee. Taking a sip I leaned against the counter watching him fry the bacon. He's not completely naked like I thought he was. He has an apron tied to his front, good thing too.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Placing the cup down I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Baby, you need all the rest you can get. Plus you fell asleep on me last night."

I blushed eyes dropping to my bare feet. It wasn't my intention to fall asleep, it was a long and tiring day.

"Don't worry baby, you can make it up to me later." Stephen gave me a wink before concentrating on the food again.

I pulled myself onto the counter swinging my legs back and forth as I sang along with the song softly. The words died down as he turned making his way towards me. Pushing my legs apart, he stepped between them placing his hands on either side of my hips.

"Don't I get a good morning kiss?" He licked his lips slowly making my eyes drop.

My stomach tightened, instant desire flashing through me. "Stephen."

He smirked stepping closer so he can press his body against mine.

"Kiss me baby."

Reaching up, I placed my hands on his shoulders pressing my lips against his. Slowly I moved my lips against his keeping the kiss slow and sweet. Surprisingly he allowed me to keep control, but it only lasted so long.

With a groan he took control. One hand wrapped in my hair tilting my head to deepen the kiss. My hands slipped into his hair, legs wrapping around his waist to pull him closer. Breaking away I suck in a deep breath slowly opening my eyes.

"You're gonna burn the food." My voice is low still slightly breathless.

"It's finished." He mumbled trailing small kisses down my throat.

I moaned tilting my neck to the side to give him more access. He bit down just below my ear making a jolt of desire move straight down to my pussy. Fuck, he's going to be the death of me.


"What do you want, baby?" Lifting his head, his eyes caught mine.

"Fuck me."

His eyes darkened even more, his dick jerking against my thigh.


"Mm." I untied the string from his waist. "Right here."

Pulling the apron from his body I dropped it to the floor trailing my hands down his chest. As I reached the deep V his hand caught mine making me pout.

"Nah ah." Chuckling he pulled the shirt off dropping it to the floor.

He kissed my collarbone, moving lower to the slope of my breasts. Glancing up, his eyes caught mine as he sucked a nipple into his mouth. A whimper fell from my lips hands wrapping in his hair to pull his head back.

"Nooo... Stephen."

Letting go of my nipple with a pop he kissed across to my other breasts. Before his mouth could close around the bud I reached out twisting his right nipple.

"Jesus." He pulled back glaring at me. "What the fuck was that for?"

"My boobs hurt." I frowned at him.

Rolling his eyes he stepped closer with an arm wrapped around my waist. My nipples brushed against his bare chest. Letting out a moan my eyes fluttered close.

"Doesn't look like it hurts." His breath fanned my neck making me shiver. "Come on baby, you know I like playing with your tits."

A moan fell from my lips as he cupped my sex. He found my clit slowly moving in a circle, then putting pressure on the bud.

"Fuck me Stephen."

"So impatient."

Before I could say anything else, he ripped my panties dropping it to the floor. Moving back he placed his palm flat on the counter. His other hand moved to my pussy, spreading the lips he slowly pushed a finger inside me.

I moaned muscles clenching around his finger. One hand gripped the counter, the other moved to his arm.

"Feels good baby?"

I nod, eyes fluttering close as he sped up. Spreading my legs a little more I threw my head back moaning out loud. Stephen kissed my neck then my shoulder his lips trailing towards my chest.

The feel of his finger inside me made me realize to late what he's going to do. His lips closed around my nipple and with a slight tug, I came. When I opened my eyes again a few minutes later Stephen is staring at me with a smile.

"I never get tired of watching you come for me."

I blushed bright red making him chuckle. Grabbing my right leg he lifted it placing my foot on the counter. It feels slightly uncomfortable with my pregnant stomach.

"This okay?" His eyes searched mine before dropping down my body.

"A little uncomfortable."

Nodding he lowered my leg again but spread them wider to accommodate him.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I want too." I kissed him again wrapping my arms around his neck. "Beside, the doctor said it's okay to have sex."

"Mm, he did."

Reaching between us he gripped is length trailing the mushroom tip up and down my slit. My fingers dug into his skin, muscles clenching as I waited for him to enter me.

Stephen bit his lips, eyes locking with mine as he slowly entered me. A moan fell from my lips, legs locking around his hips as he started to move.

"Stephen." My nails dug into his skin. "Don't stop. Please don't stop."

He groaned pulling me closer to him. "Not planning on it."

Our breathing is harsh, skin slapping against each other. I can feel sweat trailing down my back, and sticking to his skin. Leaning back on my one hand I glanced down biting my lip.

Stephen is doing the same, his eyes on the movement of our joined bodies. I sucked in air reaching between us to flick my clit. Stephen moaned his eyes catching mine before leaning forward and capturing my lips.

"Come for me baby." He rasped in my ear biting down on my shoulder.

The slight pain made me cry out as an earth shattering orgasm moved through me. Stephen followed suit only seconds later.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now