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I BLINK STARING AT her with a feeling of dread. Between her time at the hospital and therapy she's never ask this question. And now, now I have no choice but to tell her.

"Where's mom?" Her eyes are wide, questioning as she stared at me.

Swallowing I sat down on the floor, crossing my legs. There's a good few feet between us, my movements are slow and calculated, so not to scare her.

"Baby, I need to tell you something really important." I said softly rubbing my hands against my jean. "Alia."

Her attention has snapped to the window, her eyes staring at the bird littered around. She seems to take interest in every living thing that moves. Even if it's the same bird she has seen before. Like a child.

"Alia." Her eyes snapped to mine. "I need you to listen to me."

"I am."

God. Closing my eyes I pinched the bridge of my nose. My chest tightened, I can't do this. Fuck!

"Your father said he's coming over a little later." I gave her a forced smile.

She smiled back her eyes lighting up slightly. "With mom?"

I nod quickly standing up. Telling her I'll be downstairs I walked out of the room. As soon as the door closed behind me I let out a sigh leaning back against it. How am I going to do this?


THE HOUSE IS SILENT. Alia fell asleep a few minutes ago, Nathan left for work. I licked my lips grabbing my phone before taking a seat at the table. Dialling Michael's number I ran a hand through my hair.


"She wants to know about her mom." I said softly my eyes moving to the stairs. "I can't tell her Michael, I just-"

I broke off. He said nothing for a while.

"I'll be over in ten minutes." He said softly before hanging up.

Getting up I locked the door before making my way upstairs. I pushed the bedroom door open fully, my eyes scanning the room. Alia laid in the corner of the room curled up in a fetus position.

Walking over to the bed, I pulled back the sheets and removed the extra pillows. I made my way over to Alia gently picking her up. Her eyes instantly snapped open staring up at me.


"Yes baby?" I smiled down at her carrying her over to the bed.

"Stay." She whispered wrapping her arms around my neck.

Lowering her to the bed, I pulled the sheets over her before straightening. Walking over to the other side of the bed, I laid down facing her. She's back. My angel, my Alia. But it's not her. This girl is someone else, a stranger.


"Mm?" Reaching out I placed my hand on hers.

"My parents are still coming right?" Her eyes searched mine, the blue depths begging me to answer.

"Yes, baby."


I STOOD SILENTLY IN the doorway watching them. My heart is beating erratically in my chest, palms sweaty. Michael sat on the bed smiling at her, Emma giggle along with Alia at something he said.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now