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I haven't tried the water since we got here so I decided to go change into my bikini– the one Stephen got me. Pulling a simple white dress over my head, I grabbed a towel and then headed downstairs.

I ignored the guys in the living room and walked straight out. Throwing my towel open on the sand, I glanced around before pulling the dress over my head. Dropping it next to the towel, I walked towards the ocean.

The cold water lapped against my ankles making me shiver. It was cold but refreshing. I walked deeper into the water. Once it reached my hips, I sucked in a breath and then dove into the water. The cool water felt amazing against my heated skin. When I resurfaced I turned to float on my back.

It was peaceful– just like my mind. I realized I was drifting father away from sore so I decided to go back. I dived back under the water and swam in the direction I came from.

The moment I came up for air, I cried out when I saw the body in front of me. My feet slipped from beneath me which caused me the swallow a mouth full of water.

Hands gripped my arms and pulled me up. I coughed and blinked rapidly to clear the salt water from my eyes.

“Alia? Are you okay?”

My eyes locked onto Stephen's concerned green ones. I managed a bright smile but it was broken by another coughing fit. Stephen surprised me when he picked me up and walked through the water to the beach. He gently placed me down on my towel and rubbed my back.

“You scared me,” I managed to croak out.

“I'm sorry,” he muttered. “I saw you dive under and then you didn't surface after a few minutes.”

“I have strong lungs,” I giggled, pressing a hand against my chest.

His eyes dropped. Stephen groaned and then leaned forward to press his lips against mine. Our lips barely touched when he pulled away again. I frowned up at him.

“I'm going to get something to drink.” He stood and took a few steps towards the house. “Want anything?”

“Some water, thank you.”

My eyes followed him until he disappeared into the house.

What the hell was his problem? Did he decide that he wanted our deal to end? Does he not want me anymore? I laid down on my back, and stared up at the bright sky. What if we finally had sex and he wasn't satisfied? He had sex with Kate. Dread filled my stomach as I thought of that. What if Kate was better at it than me?


My eyes snapped open. Stephen was hovering above me with a bottle held out to me.

I sat up and took it from him with a muttered thanks. Stephen nodded, dropped a towel and another bottle next to me before jogging towards ocean. I sighed then took a sip of the cold water. For a few minutes I watched him. He seemed completely different– a good different.

I sank back down onto my back. Sometimes men were so confusing.


Something cold dropped onto my leg then slowly slid down. I frowned, shifting slightly. I was having a wonderful dream. Stephen was pressing soft kisses against my legs. Sometimes he would stop to nibble the skin with his teeth before moving up again. I moaned, spreading my legs wider as he settled between them.

His lips paused at the junction of my thighs before moving to the band of my bikini bottoms. My back arched as his tongue dipped into my navel. Goosebumps broke out over my skin when his lips trailed up over my stomach.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now