Chapter Thirty Seven

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MY EYES SNAPPED OPEN, air suddenly filling my lungs. Blinking rapidly I stared up at Stephen hovering above me. His face is panicked, his hands gripped my wrist against my stomach.

"Hey, it's just a dream."

I nod swallowing the lump in my throat. His hands slowly left mine as he sat back slightly. I sat up glancing around the room, my heart is beating in my ears. Fear still moved through my body, it made my hands shake my breathing coming out in gasps.


My attention is drawn to him again. Our eyes locked and I could feel the fear slowly leaving my body. I'm save. I'm at home with Stephen and I'm save, nothing happened.

A sob fell from my lips as I threw myself against him. Stephen pulled me onto his lap, one arm around my waist, his other hand stroked the back of my neck.

"It's okay baby."

A few minutes passed before he pulled back to look at me. His eyes trailed over my face as one hand cupped my cheek. My eyes dropped to his cheeks widening as I saw the blood.

"It looks worse than it is." His lips twitched slightly making me frown.

"I scratched you?" I whispered lifting a shaky hand to his face. "I'm sorry."

Stephen shook his head taking hold of my hand lowering it to my lap.

"It's a scratch."

Ignoring him, I got off his lap walking out of the room. I searched through the bathroom until I found the first aid kit. Straightening I turned to find Stephen leaning in the doorway watching me silently.

"Sit down." I pointed to the toilet after closing the lid.

Without a word he stepped inside the bathroom closing the door softly behind him. Stephen sat down watching me silently. Swallowing I sat down on his lap so I'm straddling him. I cleaned his cheek thankful that it wasn't so bad.

Just two scratches, they aren't that deep but they will hurt for a while.

"I'm sorry." I whispered feeling tears well up in my eyes again.

"It's okay baby." He smiled pecking my lips.

As he went to pull back I buried my hands in his hair pressing my lips harder against his. I don't care about the fact that my sister's are in their rooms. Or that my parents has warned us against having sex. I need him.


Stephen smiled pulling my shirt up and over my head. He dropped it to the floor, his lips instantly closed around my nipple. Moaning I moved my hips against his.

"Take off your pants."

I stood pushing my pajama pants and panties down my legs. Stephen unbuttoned his jeans pulling the zip down. Lifting himself slightly he pushed them down his legs. Instead of getting onto his lap again, I kneel between his legs.


Keeping my eyes locked with his I leaned forward licking the mushroom tip. He tastes salty, but delicious. I placed my hands on his thighs opening my mouth wider. Pulling the tip into my mouth I sucked making his hips buck upwards.


Closing my eyes I moved my mouth lower taking more of him in. He hit the back of my throat making my stomach tighten as my gag reflex kicked in. Pulling back I sucked in a deep breath, my eyes dropping to his dick.

The veins on the underside stood out, the tip glistering the precum and saliva. Licking my lips I wrapped my hand around him slowly moving up and down. Stephen moaned wrapping a hand in my hair making my eyes lift to his. He's watching me with heated eyes, mouth half open as his chest heaved up and down.

Our eyes locked as I leaned down taking him into my mouth again, I moved down until he hit the back of my throat before pulling back. I repeated the action over and over, his low moans filled my ears as his hold on my hair tightened.

"Jesus fuck."

Pulling my mouth from him he leaned down smashing his lips on mine. My mouth opened allowing his tongue to slip inside. His arm wrapped around my waist pulling me up and onto his lap.

Breaking the kiss his eyes dropped between out bodies. I followed his movement watching as he positioned himself at my entrance. Our eyes locked as he slowly lowered me onto him. My mouth fell open, a silent moan escaping as he filled me completely.

Leaning back his hands gripped my ass slowly lifting me up then slamming me back down. I moaned gripping his shoulders. Fuck! It feels so good.

Our skin slapping together and out harsh breathing is the only thing heard. I bit my lip trying to stop from making too much noise. He buried his face in the crook of my neck sucking the skin there.

His lips brushed a particular spot which made my pussy clench around him. The orgasm is unexpected, his hold on me tightened keeping me pressed against him.

My orgasm flashed through me a second later. We sat like that for a few minutes, I lifted my head to look at him. Stephen gave me a small lazy smile moving the hair from my face.

"I think we need to take a shower."

I couldn't agree more.


MY PARENTS ARRIVED HOME just after five on Monday afternoon. They said nothing about where they went or why, and I didn't ask.

I'm curious to know what's going on, but I know they will tell us when they're ready to.

My mom invited Stephen to stay for dinner which he declined. He said he needed to catch up on some work. With a kiss goodbye he got into the car, I watch him drive off with a sinking heart.

The rest of the day was pretty normal. We made sure everything was set for school starting tomorrow. After that we sat in the living room watching a movie. I stared at my parents from the corner of my eyes.

Mom looked pale, and tired. Although she's making light conversation and smiling I can't tell it's forced. My dad is silent staring at the TV, he has that look on his face which means he's thinking about something deeply.

I sigh pulling my legs up to my chest turning my attention to the TV. When are they going to tell us?



Some wanted some sexy stuff so I've added it ;) next chapter will be shocking..


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