Chapter Seven

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LIFTING MY FACE I sighed as the cool air blew against my skin. We got hit by a heat wave, it sucks so bad. The school uniform makes the heat very uncomfortable.

I wanted to pull the pullover off but I know that would be the biggest mistake to make. I didn't think clearly when I decided to put on the new hot pink bra I got.

            "Are we going to organize a study date for this weekend?" Dane asked breaking me away from my faults.

School has been... Busy. Now that all the sports are handled the academic year has started. The teachers started preparing us for the exams. All the stuff that needs to be done in order for us to pass the year.

We are swamped with work and only three weeks has passed. Three weeks since I met Stephen.

           "Why the hell do you want to do that?" Delilah scoffed making me roll my eyes.

How she made it to twelve grade is surprising. She doesn't have an academic bone in her body.

With a sigh I leaned back against the tree trunk. We have a lunch break now, instead of sitting where everyone else sat, we found our own spot. The field is silent only a few kids around, only those who dared to break the rules.

            "Because I want to get good grades, to get the hell out of this small fucking town."

I glanced at Kate surprised to find her already staring at me. Frowning I sat up straight giving her a questioning look.

           "I need to go to the bathroom." Kate said cheerfully standing from her spot on the grass. "Coming Alia?"

Glancing at the other two I ignored their confused gazes. "Sure."

I stood fixing my skirt before following her. Now, walking behind her I can clearly see her tense shoulders. It could be because of the upcoming tests, but something told me it's something else. 

            "What's wrong?" I asked her as soon as we entered the bathroom.

Kate stared at me silently for a few seconds. My eyes widened in surprise as her eyes filled with tears.

           "Kate?" Stepping forward I wrapped my arms around her. "Tell me what's wrong?"

          "I-I did something stupid." She pulled back wiping the tears from her cheeks. "R-remember that guy I told you about?"

I nod dread starting to fill me as her face paled even more.

          "I-" Kate shook her head slightly. "He's into some b-bad stuff that I didn't know about. H-He wants money from me, if I don't get him the money he said that h-he will h-hurt Derrick."

        "How much does he want?"

The amount she mentioned had my knees weakening. Leaning back against the wall I sucked in a shaky breath.


My eyes locked with hers. More tears fell down her cheeks as she squeezed her eyes closed.


Tonight. It's impossible to get that amount of money in just a few hours. Lifting my eyes I watched as she started to pace, her whole body is shaking. My mind trailed back to the advertisement I made. I've read articles about girls that managed to get such a huge amount.

Like a prostitute. Stephen's words flashed through my mind making me winch.

If acting like a prostitute means I can help my friend keep her son safe, then I'll do it.

           "I'll help."


THE HOUSE IS EMPTY when I arrived home from school. I found a note in the kitchen saying that my dad is working late and mom and my sister's are at my aunt's house.

The rest of the day has been a blur, I couldn't concentrate on anything other than what I'm about to do.

Kate needs the money and I will help her get it even if it means I have to give up something so small.

Dropping my schoolbag in my room I plucked my phone charger in.

As I open his contact I feel the doubt and fear starting to set in. He said that a lot of girls want him to take them home, what if he has some STD?

Hey, can we meet somewhere? I really need to talk to you.

I pressed send before I could chicken out. Typing a quick text to Kate I sat down on my bed. A few minutes later my phone dinged.

Sure, what's wrong?

Biting my lip I stared at his words. Doing this over the phone would have been so much better than doing it in person. But I'd rather talk about this face to face so I can get the money.

Can you meet me at Café Randé in ten minutes?

The reply took longer than the first one. I actually thought that he will refuse saying that he's busy with something, but he surprised me by agreeing.

Writing a quick note to my mom telling her that I'm meeting with Kate I locked the house.

By the time I reached the café I've managed to work on at least ten different speeches. I had to be prepared for whatever terms he wanted. If he agrees, the little voice in my head reminded me as I pushed open the door.

Unlike our first meeting, Stephen is already seated at the booth we sat at the first time.

My eyes trailed around. I recognized a few faces from school. One of them is Dane sitting by the window. Ducking my head I speed walked towards Stephen.

He stood as I stopped next to the table eyes moving over me silently.

My lips pulled up in a small smile, one that faded as the weight of the reason for being here settled.

             "Do you want anything?"

I shook my head sucking in a shaky breath before looking up at him.

          "I-" I broke off feeling my mind go blank as our eyes locked.

          "Alia, did something happen?" Stephen asked softly his eyes searching my face.

        "Y-yes, but nothing bad." At least not to me, but my best friend.

        "Why did you want to meet me?"

Now is the time. I have to just give him one of my speeches I've practiced in the car. He will agree, give me the money and then we'll book into some hotel where we will have sex.

           "I want to sell my virginity to you."

Yeah, it didn't go according to plan.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now