Chapter Thirty One

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IT TOOK A TOTAL of ten seconds for his words to register. Then panic started to set in as all the possibilities flashed through my brain.


I blinked seeing Stephen sitting on the bed beside me. His hands cupped my cheeks eyes locking with mine. I quickly did the calculations in my head a breath of relief falling from my lips.

           "It's okay." I smiled up at him. "I already had my period and I did the calculations so.."

He still had a frown on his face but his lips twitch slightly. "We'll get plan B just to be safe."

           "Plan B?" I echoed softly tilting my head to the side.

          "Right, you don't know." He muttered softly to himself running a hand through his hair. "I mean the morning after pill."

Oh. I totally forgot about that, I heard about it the one time Delilah told us about her almost pregnancy.


Shaking his head he muttered something under his breath that I couldn't hear. His lips caught mine, body pressing me back against the bed. I felt his swelling erection pressing against my stomach.

           "Again?" I breathed eyes wide as I stared up at him.

All I got was a devilish smirk in return.


LIPS TRAILED SLOWLY DOWN my bare back making me moan. Goosebumps appeared as his large hands moved up my thighs.

         "Stephen." I croaked out lifting my head slightly from the pillow.

He hummed lips trailing over my ass. Pushing up on my elbows I glanced over my shoulder at him. Stephen is completely naked, his body hovering slightly over mine.

          "We need to get going." His eyes caught mine for a second before dropping. "You have an amazing ass."

My cheeks heated. Letting out a groan I dropped my face back onto the pillow. The bed dipped on either side of my body as he crawled up and over me. A moan slipped past my lips as his bare skin brushed against mine.

His skin is so warm.

           "I want to take you like this." His teeth scrapped against my earlobe. "Fuck you from behind."

I gasped gripping the sheets. His body lowered pressing mine into the mattress. Lifting my head I looked back at him, his lips instantly caught mine. One hand wrapped around my neck as his hips thrust forward. Just imagining him fucking me like made heat run through my body.

Of course our hot moment is ruined by his phone ringing.

With a groan Stephen rolled off me grabbing his phone on the bedside table.


My brows furrowed as his body tensed. Sitting up he walked over to the window talking softly. I know I won't be able to go back to sleep. Sitting up I groaned my body protesting with every move.

Stephen ended the call turning back to face me. His face is set in stone.

          "I have to go back." He said softly walking over to the bed again. "There's a break in my case."

           "Oh." I gave him a small smile but we both knew it's fake.

The age difference between us hit me again making my shoulders drop. Our little bubble burst, the great time is over now and reality has settled in. Reality that had sadness fill me.

          "Let go take a shower."


THE REST OF OUR stay at the beach was pretty boring. Nathan decided to stay which I'm thankful for. Kate has been acting weird, so it made things awkward between us.

It confused me to no end. Things has been going great between us when we got here, so what changed. I decided not to dwell on those thoughts but to enjoy the rest of my holiday. I spend most of my time working on my tan. Sometimes I would simply talk and joke with Nathan and others talk with Stephen on the phone.

All to soon we had to leave. I felt slightly sad about that fact but knew that we can't stay here forever. And of course the fact that I will be able to see Stephen added excitement.

We arrived home just past twelve thanks to our early start. Kate parked the car at the curb in front of my house. I frowned at her.

          "Aren't you coming in?"

Kate glanced at me shaking her head slightly. "Nope, I need to pick Derrick up and sort some other stuff out."

           "Oh." I gave her a small smile mumbling a bye before getting out of the car.

I grabbed my bag from the back of the car sending her a wave before making my way to the house. The door is locked making me let out a groan. Great! I come home from a week vacation only to find no one home.

I don't have a set of spare keys, and there is not one hidden somewhere outside. Dropping my bag I leaned against the door dialing my mom's number.

It rung twice before going to voicemail. I tried my father's phone receiving the same thing. Muttering profanities under my breath I dialed Emma's number.


         "Hey! Where are you?" I straightened pacing back and forth.

         "Oh, we're at Tyler's house. They are having a barbeque, mom and dad are here, do you want me to tell them that you're back?" Emma asked softly through the phone.

I bit my lip. If she tells them then I'll have to go to my sister's house. Or I can go to Stephen and spend some time with him. Which ever option to choose?

          "No, that's okay. I need a favour. Tell them I just called to say that we are leaving the beach house now. I'll make it up to you."

          "Okay, but I'll be expecting payment. See you tonight sister." She hung up making me smile.

Some sisterly love for you people. I quickly dialed Stephen's number but got no answer. When it went to voicemail the second time I sighed, guess I'll be walking to his house.


I RANG THE DOORBELL again wiping the sweat from my forehead. Never walk in the sun this hot. I'm sure my tan is now perfectly uneven.

Stephen's truck is in the driveway so surely he must be here. Or he's working, right, why didn't I think of that?

          "Can I help you?"

I turned around my eyes falling on the red head from the diner. Her eyes are narrowed on me, arms crossed across her chest, she's barely fucking dressed!

Maybe this was a mistake. Coming here and thinking that we are dating, he only agreed to fuck me. I'm so fucking stupid!

I swallowed the lump in my throat opening my mouth to speak.

          "Who's at the door?"

My eyes moved past her locking on Stephen. He's dressed in only a pair of shorts, his chest glistering with sweat and breathing uneven. Our eyes locked, his widened in surprise.

Yet before he could do or say anything I spun on my heel. It's too good to be true.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now