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I stared down at this list in my hands. Half of it was already loaded into the cart. Nathan had made the list and Stephen had added some things. Excitement filled me. We were going to elope. I was worried about the future I admit that, but being with him made all the doubts fade. He wanted to marry me. I grabbed a jar of peanut butter and placed it in the cart before marking it down. Stephen said he’d look into tickets before talking to Michael. Once we get home tonight we’ll talk about it more.

Half an hour later my shopping was finished. I paid for the stuff before walking out of the Supermarket. It started raining while I was inside. I paused briefly as I saw a black van parked a few feet from my car. It was a reminder of the day I almost got kidnapped. With my heart beating erratically in my chest I walked towards my car. My eyes darted around nervously but nothing seemed out of sorts. The keys dug into my hand as I gripped it tightly. I paused halfway to my car and pulled out my phone. Stephen answered on the second ring.

“I hope you didn’t change your mind.”

“No,” my eyes darted to the van again. “I-“

“What’s wrong?” I paused feeling a little unsure. “There’s a van parked in the parking lot and it just reminded me of what happened. I’m sorry I’m being stupid.”

“Alia,” Stephen said softly. “You are not stupid. I understand why you feel this way. Can you give me the license plate number?”

I repeated the number to him before walking towards my car again. I felt stupid. It was probably some person family van. Most people use those to travel with the kids.

“I’m sorry I interrupted your work,” I said softly. “I should get go and so should you. I’ll see you at home.”

“Of course you will baby. We have some plans to make,” he sounded excited.

I hesitated but decided I had nothing to lose so I repeated the words he said to me.

“I love you Stephen.”

There was a paused, and then he spoke. “I love you too baby.”

I ended the call and then turned to my car. The phone slipped from my fingers as I stared at the man.

“It’s nice to see you again Alia.”

I was frozen in fear. My legs wouldn’t listen to the command my brain was sending to run. The man’s eyes darted over my shoulder, but before I could do anything, I felt something prick my skin. With a hand pressed to my neck I span. Tears filled me eyes as my body started to turn numb. My mouth fell open but not a sound escaped. Kate raised the needle in her hand as she smirked at me.

“I told you that you will regret it.”


My body was overheating. It was too warm to breathe normally. I felt sick and groggy. A moan fell from my lips as I slowly turned onto my back.

“She’s waking up,” a voice whispered nearby.

I opened my eyes and blinked rapidly as I stared at the face above mine. It was slightly dark but I could make out her face. Another one appeared; she had dried blood against her temple. I winced as they helped me sit up. My body was stiff and bruised.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now