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“I’m ready for you to tell me,” I said softly.

My eyes were focused on my mother sitting on the bed. She had already taken a bath and was ready for bed.

“Come in honey,” her voice cracked slightly.

I hesitated for only a second before taking a seat on the edge of the bed. With my legs crossed, I faced her and waited expectantly.

“What do you want to know?”


If I didn’t do this now then I would chicken out. For days I’ve been finding the right time to talk to my mom, but I haven’t until now. Stress from the exams and choices I needed to make about universities, was eating away at me. Three weeks ago I walked away from Stephen and we haven’t been in contact since then. The nightmares had returned with a vengeance.

Most of my nights were spent with me staring up at the ceiling. Every moment I had with Stephen would be repeated in my mind. Every word spoken until that day.

“Mike and I were very good friends. He was the one who introduced me to his brother, Michael. I like him. He was the opposite of Mike. After a few months Michael asked me out. We’ve been together since then.” She glanced down at her hands for a few minutes before looking up at me. “We were happy. We got married and we had kids, but it started to go downhill. Michael was one of three officers that were chosen for an undercover mission. I knew very little about it, but I knew that it was going to be dangerous.”

“Go on,” I urged when she fell silent.

“He left a week later. I had to cope with Tyler and Brad on my own. Back then I had a job so it wasn’t easy. I was so tired and then I got news of the bombing. Two officers showed up at my work and told me that Michael might be dead.” She sucked in a sharp breath as her eyes filled with tears. “I was devastated Alia. It got harder to get back to my normal routine. I lost my job and it made me more stressed. More information came about the bombing. They said two bodies were found and that one of them might be him. Mike was there. He was supportive and thoughtful.” Letting out a slight laugh she finally glanced up at me. The tears in her eyes had dried. “It was just a kiss. One kiss and it should’ve stopped there, but it didn’t. We both agreed that we would never talk about it again. We were both married. It was a mistake.”

“Does he know?”

“By the time I found out about the pregnancy, Michael was back. Everything had turned to normal. I lied and told him that I was pregnant with his child.”

“So how did he find out?”

“Michael figured out that the dates didn’t add up. He confronted me and I told him the truth.”

“Do you still have feelings for Mike?”

“I’ve never had feelings for him honey,” she whispered. “It was a onetime thing. It hasn’t been repeated.”

“Does he know that I’m his d-daughter?”

“No.” My mom leaned back against the pillows. “He doesn’t know, but if you want me to tell him I will. Back then his first wife was a barren woman. If they had found out then he would’ve taken me to court. There was already so much going on between Michael and I, so I kept it silent.”

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now