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EVER WONDERED WHAT IT would be like if you could go back to the past and change things? Every regretted something so bad that it's eating you alive?

My mom has called me about ten times today. I don't have the courage to answer the phone. To talk to her, it's something I know I have to do, but I can't. Not yet. Licking my dry lips I sucked in a shaky breath before getting out of the car.

I locked it pushing my phone into the pockets of my jeans then climbed the steps. Pushing the door open I entered the chaos, it surprised me. This is the first time I'm at the station when it's like this. I walked to the front counter drawing the attention of the officer.

"Hi, I'd like to see my father." The words taste like acid in my mouth. "Chief Dune."

"He's in his office ma'am, I'll show you."

I followed him through a hall and past other desk. I recognized Stephen's office as we passed it. The door is slightly open and I can hear his voice. Stopping I smiled a thanks to the officer turning to the door.

The word 'Chief' is written in bold on the glass. Letting out the breath I knocked softly before opening it. He looked up with furrowed brows, his mouth thinning as he saw me. Closing the door I took another step closer. I feel very uncertain now that I'm here. The courage I had build in the car suddenly left my body.

"Can we talk?"

Minutes passed before he nodded pointing to the chair in front of the desk. I sat down looking everywhere but at him. He broke the silence first.

"What do you want to know?"

Swallowing the lump in my throat I finally look up at him. "How long have you known?"

"Since you were born." He leaned back in the chair making it creak. "Your mother's boss was my cousin."

I gasped eyes widening, no wonder he hates me so much. Family betraying you just like your wife.

"Why didn't he take me? Why did you and mom stay married? Why do you hate me now?"

With a sigh he stood walking over to the window. He stood there silently just staring outside. I opened my mouth but snapped it close again, what do I say? There is this awkwardness that was never there.

"I love your mother really much, so I forgave her. Everyone makes mistakes." He turned eyes locking with mine. "When she first found out that she's pregnant again, she told me that it's my baby. Things didn't add up, and later I knew why. My cousin divorced his wife to marry your mother."


"She was a barren woman, he wanted kids. When he heard about the pregnancy he wanted to marry her for the sake of the child. Things got complicated and he went to the court. She told him that the child isn't his, so he wanted a DNA test." Walking over to the chair again he sat down leaning forward with his hands clasped together.

"What happened after that?" My voice is low, almost a whispered as I took it in.

"The DNA test showed that it was his and not mine. Your mother asked me to help her." He paused eyes dropping to the desk. "We made false DNA test that claimed that the baby is mine and not his. The charges were dropped and everything went back to normal."

I pondered over his words imagining the events like he told me.

"I knew from the beginning who's daughter you are, that's why I treated you different. I didn't want to get attached because I knew that it would all get out. If I didn't love you then I wouldn't hurt when they took you."

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now