Chapter Three

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#_#  STEPHEN #_#

I GROAN PULLING THE pillow over my head to block out the sounds. It didn't help at all, the sounds just seemed to get louder and louder.

Throwing the pillow aside I stood pulling on some sweatpants I stormed out of my room and down the hall.

          "Nathan! Turn it fucking down!" I yelled banging on the oak door.

The moaning stopped followed by curse words and a loud thump. Smirking I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I made myself a cup of coffee glancing at the clock. It's still too early for my shift to start. I could be in bed sleeping but instead I'm waken by my brother fucking another one of his bimbo's. 

Just as I finished my cup of coffee a half dressed brunette stormed into the kitchen. She froze her eyes widening slightly before she glared.

            "Cock blocker!"

I laughed. I've been called much worse than that and honestly her words didn't bother me at all. I'm a cop, criminals tend to throw some... adjectives when they get arrested.


My eyes fell on my brother. Without saying a word I raised an eyebrow at him. He stood an inch sorter than me with sandy brown her and our mother's green eyes. He is slim but muscular, and a really cocky bastard.

           "Don't." Shaking my head I searched through the cabinets for some porridge. "I've agreed for you to stay with me until you find another place. I will not tolerate you fucking some girl every night."

Nathan rolled his eyes taking a sip of his coffee. "Maybe you should get laid?"

My eyes narrowed movement stopping to glance up at him. He looks dead serious causing alarm bells to go off in my head.

           "What did you do?" I asked him my body tensed as his eyes dropped from mine.

          "So uu.." Rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly his gaze fell on the wall behind me. "I might have..uu set up a blind date for you."

Silently I watched him. I said nothing just stared at him making him shift from foot to foot.

          "Cancel it." With that said I walked back up the stairs with a bowl in my hand.

Entering my room I kicked the door shut walking over to my desk. I opened my laptop waiting for it to restart. Taking a bite of porridge I leaned back in my chair.

My eyes fell on the file that laid beside the laptop. It was handed to me when I first arrived in this town. My first case.

I opened it scanning the words that's written on the papers, trying to burn every picture of the suspects into my brain.

About three months ago two girls had gone missing, two total opposites that was related by one thing. Both wanted to sell their virginity online. Both girls disappeared on the night the act was suppose to take place. After that numerous cases had opened regarding girls disappearing.

Some were found but others weren't. Most were killed their bodies found in ditches or half buried. One of the girls was found in an underground trafficking rink she was saved, but only just barely.

We need to stop this shit before more girls are kidnapped or killed. These kids don't know the meaning of the word safety. Why the hell would they sell something so precious?

I finished my porridge placing my bowl aside I typed in one of the web addresses I was given.

I printed every profile that will be suitable before moving onto the next address. Who knew selling one's virginity is such a famous activity?

As I'm browsing the last web address my stomach tightened with a feeling of unease. Everything looked legit but I can't throw the feeling that something isn't quite right.

I printed out the terms and conditions before moving onto the post that was made. Unlike the others this held only a total of ten. Which means it's a new website or all the old post has been deleted.

Printing the post I quickly shuffled it into the file standing from the table. Switching off my laptop I walked towards the bathroom.

A few minutes later I'm showered and dressed in my police uniform. Unlocking my safe I took out my gun checking the bullets and safety I strapped it onto my belt. I grabbed my badge from on top of my wardrobe exiting my room.

Nathan stepped out of his room the same time I did. Together we walked out of the house to our separate cars. Mine a cop car and his a beat up truck.

           "Just think about the date!" He yelled before driving off.

Rolling my eyes I unlocked the car getting in. Just as I'm about to start the car I remember the file. I debated on going to get it but decided to just leave it. I'll search through it tonight and make notes.

Today I'll focus on everything else that might jump up. Even if it's to arrest someone on minor offends I can do that. Though it's not so exciting as a car chase would be.

I fucking love myself a good car chase.

My eyes scanned the houses and buildings as I drove past them. I pulled to a stop at the red light my eyes falling on a bunch of teenagers. Glancing at the clock I frowned, it barely past ten, shouldn't they be in school?

Licking my lips I looked to the front checking to make sure the light is still red. 

When I looked back again some of them had disappeared. Only a girl and a boy stood there talking. My eyes moved from the tall lanky boy to the girl.

Her short green skirt fell a few inches above her knees. Her tanned legs on full display. They are toned but not too much, just the right amount.

The tanned legs led up to wide hips, I can't tell if her waist is narrow or not because of the loose fitting pullover. A school bag is on her back her head turned up slightly.

Light brown hair with blond highlights is tied into a careless ponytail. Her cheeks are flushed red and her mouth pulled up into a slight smile.

My pants tightened making me winch. Pulling away from the robot I adjusted my pants slightly.

I seriously need to get laid soon.

Especially since I'm fucking attracted to a damned teenager!

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now