Chapter Fifteen

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SOMETHING WET TRAILED DOWN my thigh making me press them together. My eyes dropped from his to the bulge, his hand slowly moved from mine.

It's not like I haven't seen a penis before, well not a real one. I have biology, so I've learned pretty much everything there is to know about the human productive system. I don't thing biology can ever prepare us for the real one.

He's hard, extremely hard and he feels big. How big is he? I moved my hand surprised when he groaned hips jerking forward. My eyes snapped back up to his mouth falling open as he jerked forward again. It feels good for him?

"Turn around Alia." Stephen ordered huskily removing my hands from his pants.

He slowly turned me around pressing his chest against my back. My legs quivered as his breath fanned my neck and ear. What's he going to do now? He placed his hands on my hips pulling them back.

I can feel him pressing into the small of my back just above my ass.

"You don't need big tits." His hands cubed my breasts, palms moving against my sensitive nipples. "Or a flat stomach." His hands trailed lower. "Or the perfect hips. Or thin thighs." Stephen's hands moved lower. "To be perfect."

I tilted my neck to the side as his lips trailed down my neck to my shoulder. Back up again to my ear.

"You are gorgeous, just the way you are. Your body is perfection, sexy. Do you understand Alia?"

I nod my eyes fluttering close as his hands trailed up my sides stopping beneath my breasts.

"I don't understand head gestures."

"Yes." I whispered pressing myself back against him.

"Good girl." His hands moved from my body, down my arms to my hands.

Placing them onto of mine he moved both our arms up. His hand placed mine against my neck slowly moving them down.

"Close you eyes and clear your mind. I want you to only concentrate on the feel of your hands." Stephen bit my earlobe gently nibbling with his teeth then trailed his lips lower. "Only feel, hear and smell."

He guided my hands lower over my breast, down my stomach then up again. My hands closed over the aching globes, nipples scraping my skin. Slowly he began massaging them, tweaking the nipples between our fingers.

I moaned body arching my head falling back against his shoulder. He moved one of my hands over my stomach down to the apex of my tights. My breathing sped up as the hairs tickled my palm as he slid my hand lower, over the wet curls.

"You're soaking wet, baby."

Our fingers trailed over my pussy lips, lower before moving up. Spreading my lips slight, my juices clung to our fingers.

"Oh." My hips jerked as we touched my clitoris.

Our hands slipped lower again, he moved his hand from mine slightly but slipped my fingers into my pussy.

My muscles clenched around my fingers making a moan slip past my lips.

"Move you fingers." His lips brushed my neck causing goosebumps to appear all over my skin.

I did what he said slowly moving my finger in and out. His hand disappeared from mine moving to my hip. Stephen used his foot to make me spread my legs wider apart.

"Does it feel good baby?"

I nodded my hips moving along with my fingers. Every time I pull my fingers out I move my hips backwards brushing against his erection. He moaned in my ear making my stomach muscles tighten, my legs quivering.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now