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I was sitting on the sidewalk with my back against the tree and a cloth pressed to the side of my head. The boy who pulled me out of the car was hovering a few meters away. A bunch of people had gathered to stare at the car and at me.

Some had even taken photos. It didn't bother me– not at the moment– since all I could think about was the little girl. Did I hit her? Was she okay?

A shudder raced through my body when an image of her small bloodied body on the road, flashed through my mind.

The sound of approaching sirens penetrated my mind. I glanced up just in time to see a police cruiser parking across the street. Please don't let it be my father, I muttered in my head. My eyes dropped again when the door opened.

Father would kill me. I would be an embarrassment to him if word got out. I was pretty sure the whole town already knew about it.

Commotion from across the street caught my attention. I glanced up just in time to a woman storming past the people. She was crying and screaming as she fell down to her knees. I hit her.

Oh God!

Legs dressed in dark blue trousers appeared in front of me. I glanced up and instantly wished I hadn't. My eyes locked with peculiar green ones.

“You saw what happened?” he asked the boys who nodded. “Go to that officer there and give him your statement.”

I swallowed the lump that was suddenly in my throat. Stephen crouched in front of me. Without warning, he reached out and gently pulled my hand away from my head. 

“Let me see that,” he muttered. “You need to go to the hospital.”

My attention was focused on the woman instead of him. I killed someone. I was going to rot in jail for murder.


My eyes snapped to his. Tears filled my eyes as reality started to set in.

“Hey, you're okay. There's no reason to cry.”

“S-Stephen the g-girl,” I sucked in a sharp breath. “I k-killed-”

“No,” his voice was hard. “She's fine. You didn't kill her Alia. Like you she's in shock. There's not a scratch on her.”

“The ambulance is here,” a man said softly. I glanced up at him.
“Are you going with her or...?”

“I'll go with her,” Stephen said softly. “You can handle things here.”

“Of course,” the man muttered before walking off.

“Come on.” Stephen gently gripped my arms as he straightened.

The moment I was on my feet the black dots appeared again. My ears started ringing as my stomach dipped. I think I'm going to be sick.


The world faded into darkness.

* * *

Everything ached. I wished I never woke up in the first place. My head was pounding in rhythm with my heartbeat. The light above me was too bright. I felt numb. My limps felt extremely heavy and my mouth felt dry.

The Tattooed Maniac's Virgin (Sinful Delights Book One)Where stories live. Discover now