Levi x FemaleTitan!Reader ~ Traitor

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The 57th Expedition..

The day me and my close friend Annie had planned.

Today both of us were going to capture Eren Yeager, that damn child had to get in the way of our plans so Annie and I decided if it was best to take Eren and for nobody to find him ever again. Well.. That was the plan until I had fallen for the short-tempered Lance Corporal of the Scouting Legion. Levi Ackerman to be exact, 'Humanity's Strongest', he was as handsome as he was strong, in my eyes at least. Annie just rolls her eyes when I talk about him, she thinks I act like a little school girl when it comes to him. To be honest, I kinda do and that's the amusing part of it.

/ Time Skip to Forest \

I watched from afar as Annie pounded after the Levi Squad like a wolf after sheep, I was waiting for them to turn a corner and then I'd pounce, you could say my titan form is some-what like Annie's. Female features but the only difference is the eyes and hair, long H/C locks, with sharp glowing E/C eyes.

I was knelt against a tree, Annie was chasing the group right towards me until I heard a loud ringing sound 'what the hell is that' I began covering my ears for a few seconds so I would have my hearing at it's best.

Something caught my eye, 'A scout? By themselves? How stupid can you be?' I chuckled lightly as I began to slowly creep towards the human only to see the entire scouting legion finishing off hooked-barrels to capture Annie, I couldn't let this happen 'how did-.. how did Erwin and everyone know about Annie chasing Eren?


The Corporal is leading Annie right into a trap!'

Some scouts seemed to hear my footsteps from behind, they turned around, seeming to be alert with their blades drawn. I waited a few seconds and just before I was going to jump out and end their lives, the sounds of thousands of wires started along with some small cheers. I look up to see Annie right in the center of the scouts, wires piercing her flesh to hold her in place.

My eyes widened and that's when I finally took notice she spotted me, that sly smirk she had dusted onto her face screamed at me to go onto plan B... We call in a few 'Friends'. By this time Levi was on her head, obviously trying to intimidate and threaten her. Annie let out a loud, ear ringing, deafening scream and that's where the fun starts, in a matter of time we'll have company.

Just as the titans arrived I hurled out of my cover and took the soldiers by surprise, squishing, blood splattering, blades shattering and most of all the screams of terror that set in merely only seconds after I let hell loose, by now the scrawny titans, abnormals, and even the midget ones were gnawing and shredding Annie's titan form to pieces. It sounds easy but I managed to catch the attention of a certain Section Commander and a very angry Corporal, Hanji was dumbfounded upon seeing two female titans and immediately took the time that I was out of the shadows to look over my features.

Levi had no idea what happened, one minute it was calm, another, all hell broke loose. This other titan... it reminded him of Y/N, so caring and kind, a beautiful soldier that stole his heart. But this couldn't be Y/N, this monster, this beast was carelessly squishing people like insects, turning the forest into a slaughterhouse with a small smile played on their lips. " Looks like we got another one to take care of, Levi, I'll call back all squadrons to re-group! We get away from here as fast as possible, especially with Yeager! Squad C5 and F6 help Levi! " Erwin screamed across to them, Levi nodded his head lightly in response before flying right to the E/C spinning and slicing up their arm like it was paper, he continued this method with a very few remaining squad members. He couldn't take down two intelligent female titans by himself, he would probably need Erwin or Hanji to assist. "Everyone, fall back! You all re-group with the commander, tell him I'm gone to find my squad!" Levi ordered before he split up with them.

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