Headcanon #28

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Request: OK OK SO! I was thinking maybe u could write the reader being drunk a little bit after dinner and sitting with her friends (Eren, Jean, Mikasa, etc.) and starts making fun of/dissing Levi (of his height) and Erwin (of his eyebrows) and everyone is laughing but the two higher ups are listening in😋😆

Done as a hc

Warning: None


¬ The Scouts had a night off to celebrate a successful expedition with no deaths

¬ You were with your friends celebrating the night away

¬ Until Jean thought it would be a good idea to sneak some alcohol from the superiors table with the help of a certain scientist

¬ You didn't have the best tolerance to alcohol

¬ Neither did any of your friends..

¬ ''Oh my fucking god! Erwin's eyebrows are like caterpillars! I bet they go on secret nightly adventures when he's asleep!''

¬ Expect a loud chorus of laughter erupting from your table

¬ ''Y-Yeah! What about Levi Y/N?''

¬ Oh boy did this make you excited

¬ ''The captain's hot and all- but... Dontcha think he's an incy wincy bit too short?''

¬ Yet another loud chorus of laughter ignites

¬ ''I mean! D-Don't get me wrong he may be a fucking midget but boy can that man run fast!''

¬ You're way too drunk for your own good

¬ You didn't even realize the higher ups table was right next to yours and Hanji scooted over to your table to join in the fun

¬ Erwin would be snickering every now and then knowing you're too drunk to even realize what you're saying

¬ Levi would be scowling except for the fact when you called him hot that gave him an i n t e n s e ego boost

¬ ''I swear I'm going to make Y/N run laps then clean in a second if she doesn't stop her yapping''

¬ ''Oh relax Levi, she's enjoying herself and she won't remember a thing in the morning''

¬ This man would definitely confront and tease you the next day

¬ But the jokes between your friend group lives on!

¬ Tbh it would most likely make you all closer as friends

Love One Another - Levi x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now