Headcanon #30

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Request: Hi! I was wondering if you can continue the request that I done before about the proposal in the wall. I don't mind if it's a post or if is made as a headcanon but I'd love to know how would be the wedding and something about their marriage life. Thanks a lot for your kindness and will to write these amazing posts. I love them

I've put this as a headcanon since I couldn't think of a little storyline

You're also very kind, thank you~!

Warning: None


× Your wedding was during the Summer when the Scouts had the bright blue skies and scorching heat

× Levi suggested about an outdoor wedding since the heat indoors would be too much for anyone to handle

× You eagerly agree, spewing out loads of ideas of where it should be

× You two settle on having it by a small lake that would be brought to life by fireflies, a few trees scattered here and there along with nice flowers

× Your wedding is surprisingly big, most of the Scouts attend along with your family and friends

×Levi doesn't give a shit if it makes you happy then so be it

× The ceremony takes place under a large oak tree that's decorated very nicely

× Your mother crying in the background seeing you actually get married

× Your two little sisters are the flower girls and they are a d o r a b l e

× You'd be wearing your {favourite dress type} along with some flats since high heels on grass don't go well

× Levi would be wearing a very handsome suit with a tie instead of his cravat

× Once the ceremony is over everyone gets the supper then the party b e g i n s

× The sun was starting to set over the lake and fireflies were getting ready to come out making the whole scenery even more beautiful

× Levi would lead you onto the large dance floor to have the first dance which was slow but treasuring as you held each other while everyone watched

× You'd pepper him with kisses earning a few chuckles

× When everyone else is up and dancing it has to be the best night of your life

× Levi would spin you and dance the night away with you

× He'd actually forget about wearing the blank expression, you've never seen him so happy in your life

× When you throw the bouquet Mikasa catches it and instantly looks to Eren

× That was funny

× You two would go around thanking everyone for coming, along with having small chats here and there

× You surprisingly don't get drunk when your drinking with Levi

× When the night is over everyone stays in a big hotel for the night since it was nearby

× Oh boi that dress didn't last long on you when you went into your shared room with Levi

× Neither of you mind where you're going for the honeymoon as long as you're together

× You wouldn't trade this man for the world

× Marriage life wouldn't be too different, except for the fact that Levi calls you "Mrs. Ackerman" from time to time

× Levi and you would be the top OTP in the Scouts

× You both eventually buy a small house to live in when you have free days off

× You'd wear your wedding ring and your engagement ring proudly and happily

× Levi would wear his on a chain around his neck that's hidden under his cravat as well

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