Levi x Reader ~ Breakup

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Request: Could you do a Levi x Reader where Levi breaks up with His s/o because he feels she deserves better and he doesn't want to put her through grief if he were to die in the field (She's a citizen) Even though he really loves her. ( *'꒳'* )

Warning: Angst, Breakup


You cheerfully made your ways through the hallways of the Scouting Legion's HQ happy to see your boyfriend of 3 years. Arriving outside his office you glanced inside the little bag you had for him, earlier you bought rare black tea leaves for him as a little present. Smiling you opened the door your eyes immediately landing on him sitting at his desk looking outside his window looking lost in thought ''hey sweetie! I got you a present earlier!'' you made your way to Levi, he turned to you and offered a smile.

His eyes widened as you pulled out a box full of black tea leaves ''Y/N how the fuck did you get these?'' he asked inspecting the box feeling slightly guilty for what he was going to do to you in the next couple of minutes. ''Oh well.. I have a friend that sells these every so often and I may or may not have mentioned that my handsome boyfriend could use a batch of em'' you teased.

''Thanks Y/N..'' He barely managed to say as you leaned against his desk smiling at him. ''No problem love! Oh yeah! Our anniversary is next month then we'll be together for four years~'' you cheer excitedly. Levi sat silently, he knew how much the anniversaries have been for you and the guilt had been knotting up in his chest it felt like he couldn't breathe, all you're doing for him and he's going to let you down like this? He was doing it to protect you in case he was to die on a mission or if some thugs chose to capture and use you as a hostage for money.

Silence filled the room before you hummed quietly looking around, the silence didn't last when Levi spoke up ''Y/N you know how dangerous my duty is right?'' you looked down to him and nodded ''you know there's a chance of me dying out there as well right?'' Levi says watching your expression fall slightly '' Yeah.. and it scares me I want you to be happy and safe'' you mutter looking to the clean floor below you. Levi sat up at his desk trying to think of a way to be gentle with the situation at hand since you were sensitive to the topic ''you know I love you right? I'll always protect you'' he watched your every move and you nodded ''d-did I do something wrong?'' you question the male, he shakes his head. ''No you haven't Y/N you've been spoiling me like a parent would spoil their child'' Levi states making you chuckle ''You're too good for me Y/N you deserve better, you deserve someone who would treat you like royalty.... I can't do this'' Levi says watching your happy expression instantly fall ''I can't be with you anymore if I die I'm not leaving you alone, you can find someone better than me'' Levi bites his lip, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. ''B-but what about our dreams together? What about next month..? Levi, please tell me Hanji is just making you prank me please don't do this to me don't leave me'' you don't even try to suppress the tears. ''Y/N I love you but I'm doing this for you to be happy'' he barely whispers ''But I am happy! I've never been this happy in my life!'' you cry out ''I don't need someone else to 'treat me better' I don't need any of that.... Levi you're breaking my heart..'' you desperately tried to contain your composure as you look to him pleadingly, he could have sworn he felt sick to the bottom of his stomach when he heard the last part.

Tears fell down his face as he crossed his arms looking down to the desk ''I'm sorry Y/N..'' he whispered watching your betrayed looking expression ''you know what.. you can keep the damn tea leaves Ackerman... if you wanted me to be safe then why did you get with me in the first place? I was probably just your little play thing for when you got bored... Also.. As much as I love this ring... here'' you take of the little diamond ring you adored and softly place it down on his desk as tears streaming down your face ''Goodbye Levi'' you sob heading out his door leaving the man in silence.

Racing down the corridor, hand clasped over your mouth you couldn't stop the tears as they freely raced down your cheeks.

Levi sat in his office, eyes trained on the petite diamond ring that stared back at him as tears dropped from his eyes in silence.

He let go of the angel that brought him light

But he did it to protect his angel

But at the same time,

He broke his angel

'Was that the right thing to do?'

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