Levi x Crush!Reader ~ I Love You

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Request: Levi telling the reader he loves her for the first time

This is so cute oml 😍😍😍😝😝

Warnings: Cursing


Everyone thought Levi wasn't interested in love or else he just didn't feel it, that's what he thought until he met you. When you both met you were a cadet at the time, a helpful, loving and caring girl with big dreams that consisted of the outside world.

But the day he knew he fell for you though was when you helped a injured Military Police soldier, even though you clearly stated you weren't fond of those selfish people you still went out of your way to make sure they were alright and could stand on both of their two feet. You had good ideas and plans sometimes, other times you refused to say anything explaining you thought Armin's idea/plan would be better.

You could tell when Levi was stressed just from the way he looked meaning you had to help. One night you suddenly appeared softly knocking at his wooden door "state your name and business" Levi barked from behind his desk "cadet Y/N sir I've brought you tea" you chirp happily.

Of course Levi acted like he didn't care..

But he really did..

You weren't far off from him either, Levi was the type of guy you dreamed for since you were a child. He was smart, somehow funny and to you, you felt like you could hold a conversation with him for hours, plus the fact that Levi was undoubtedly extremely attractive.

That all led up the moment you both were at now.

Levi stood in front of his desk, it was a week after he got injured from the 57th Expedition and you came to check up on him everyday bringing him tea and helping him with his work.

He stood silently looking into your eyes while his lip twitched slightly due to nervousness. You had your hands clasped behind your back blinking innocently at the male in front of you.

"Y/N I wanted to tell you something.." he mumbled standing up straight from the desk fixing his pearl white cravat. You nodded slowly "Levi are you alright? I can try help out with whatever if you wanted?" you softly asked.

"I-I'm fine Y/N it's just.." the man went silent again, you watched his face scrunch up as he tried to tell you something that stubbornly refused to leave his lips. You cocked your head to the side "Levi?" you quizzed concerned "Fuck it.." you hear him mutter though the thick silence that was accompanied by some tension that has built.

"Y/N what I'm trying to say is... I like you.. A lot you're so angelic and pure, so goddess like it's unbelievable your voice is my favorite song that I would keep playing on repeat until the day I leave this shitty planet, I love you and I need you in my life.. I understand if you don't want to speak or look at me again I can understand it I just needed to tell you" Levi said shocking you, your breath hitched in the back of your throat as you look towards the handsome raven-haired man that had just confessed to you.

Silence filled the room once again as you were comprehending what he said. "If you're afraid to fall in love with me Y/N I've took the risk knowing we could die any day but at least I would die a happy man knowing I had you by my side" He continued as his voice cracked, tears threatening to trickle from his glossy silver eyes.

"I.." you mumbled silently letting your arms fall to your sides "I thought you decided to never fall in love.. I thought we both decided not to fall in love" you say as Levi violently rubs his eyes with the palm oh his hand attempting to stop the tears whilst nodding.

You've never seen the Corporal like this before, completely opening up to you, you slowly walk towards him and arrived in front of him mere moments later "I'll take the risk as well then.. I love you Levi Ackerman.." you whispered gently wiping away the tears that fell, he leaned into your hand softly placing his over yours before leaning in and pressing his delicate thin lips to your own, placing your free at the back of his head loosing it in his raven hair.

You could feel Levi smiling as he kissed you, putting a hand on your cheek making your stomach flutter from the new sensation.

After a few minutes you both pulled away, smiling like dorks whilst resting your foreheads against one another getting lost in each others eyes.

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