Levi x Secretive!Reader

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Request: Levi finding out (y/n) is actually in her 20's when she looks about the same age or younger than Eren and the others

Warnings: Cursing


''Shut it shitty-glasses'' Levi grumbled heading to his office with Hanji following eagerly ''oh come on shorty! I'll even do you a favor if you help me with this experiment!'' the woman chirped as she kept up with the frustrated corporal.

''What do you mean by favor four-eyes?'' Levi stopped thinking he would finally get her to piss off ''darling little sweet Y/N told me a little something about herself that nobody knows~'' Hanji sang, Levi's eye twitched ''tell me'' he said plainly. Hanji shook her head a smirk tugging at her lips ''Hanji.. tell me now..'' Levi growled menacingly.

Hanji stepped back slightly putting her hands up in defense ''o-okay! shorty she's not in her teens she's 24! '' Hanji panicked. Levi calmed ''how? but she looks the age of Eren or Christa'' he breathed ''I know right! I thought she was joking when she first told me yet she was telling the truth!'' Hanji exclaimed. ''Well..'' Levi started ''I'm not doing that experiment with you, I got it out of you four-eyes I'll be going now'' Levi said as he left the scientist in the hallway by herself.

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