Levi x Reader ~ Confession

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Heyyooo!! First of all, i loveee your writings! They are so well written, i almost cried ^o^ hehe, soo how about ,, reader and levi being friends and everyone shipping them together ( mostly hanji shipping them lol ) and in the end there is a cute and fluffy confession? *W* ♡♡

fluff is my weak spot lmao

F/C - Fur Color

Warning: Cursing


Humming quietly you walked alongside Levi, the 57th Expedition had just recently ended and you've never seen so much death. Turns out the female titan is a titan shifter, Levi had gotten injured whilst saving Eren resulting in him being kept off duty.

Glimpsing outside the window towards the bright blue sky the light from the sun illuminated your face with every window you strolled by. Two small birds caught your gaze as you flicked it towards them, two sparrows. Watching the two sparrows disappear into a large oak tree you smiled gently out towards it. ''What are you smiling at?'' Levi asked from beside you, switching your head towards him you shrugged. ''Just looking at a pair of sparrows... When we retake Wall Maria do you think we would find more types of birds and animals?'' you ask clasping your hands behind your back, shyly looking to the stone floor beneath you as you walked.

''I don't know, probably, why are you so interested in animals?'' Levi asked, puzzled as he looked over your features. ''Well, some are cute and fluffy like little bunnies! Then there are massive ones like bears that also look cuddly!'' you snicker as Levi clicks his tongue ''you are never going to cuddle a bear, do you know how dangerous they are?'' he raises an eyebrow as you nod your head excitedly. ''But I could train it from a cub! Then it would be friendly to people and I could bring it on expeditions and do much more with it!'' you exclaim as Levi returns his gaze ahead of him. ''You're like Hanji except your crazy about animals'' Levi muttered crossing his arms over his chest as his black coat hung from his shoulders.


Spinning around you grinned as Hanji ran into you, enveloping you in a hug. ''It's been a while! I haven't seen you since the expedition! I see you're still with Levi~'' she cooed raising her index finger to poke you in the cheek with a wide grin. Swatting her hand away you sighed ''I haven't seen you in nearly two weeks and the first thing you say is that I'm with Levi'' you scold playfully as she pouts, slinging an arm over Levi's shoulder he gave her an unimpressed look. ''But you two would be mistaken for a couple! Then again who says you two aren't dating in secret?'' she gasped at the thought as you pinched the bridge of your nose.

''We're not going out Hanji, take your fantasies somewhere else'' Levi commented as she sent him a wink. Taking off her arm from around him she stepped back a little, a sad expression evident on her face as she pouted out through the window. ''Oh well.. It seems like you two need some time alone... Y/n I was going to ask you to mind a bunch of rabbits I found earlier but it seems like you're busy with shorty..'' She sighed as you went wide-eyed, smiling widely at her you took her by the shoulders and shook her back and forth.

''Hanji! Where are the rabbits!? I can bring Levi and we can babysit! Where are they!?'' you nearly screeched due to being so excited as she chuckled taking a glance to the raven-haired man who was watching you two in concern. ''Y/N I don't want to be around those filthy creatures-'' Levi attempted but was silenced by the murderous look you shot him over your shoulder. Tittering Hanji took your hands off her shoulders and smirked deviously to Levi ''Awe come on shorty! It'll pass a bit of time, and they don't shed hairs so you won't get dirty from them'' Hanji tried.

''Fine four eyes..''

// Time Skip \

Dragging Levi along by the hand you didn't recognize the tint of red covering his cheeks as you dragged him past people to the destination where Hanji told you to go. Excitedly arriving, the place she told you about was situated on a small hill near the HQ, a large tree looming over a little pen that had a small gate on the side of it. Squealing with joy you let go of Levi's hand and darted ahead eager to meet the rabbits a.k.a your children. Arriving at the pen you smiled widely, leaning over it there were nearly ten different rabbits hopping about minding their own business.

''Y/N calm down would you?'' Levi says walking up next to you. Turning to him you flashed him a childish smile before going in the pen followed by Levi. ''Hello my babies! Momma's home!'' you told the tiny animals you stared at you in confusion. Plopping down on the ground, legs crossed you looked over the rabbits as they went around Levi stood behind you leaning back against the fence watching you.

''Levi they look so fluffy... Where did Hanji get them? Awe so cute..'' you cooed spotting a black rabbit with a white chest sitting in the corner by itself making you pout sadly. ''Awe... The little fella is by himself.. Come here sweetie!'' you scooted over to it and picked it up gently, going back to Levi you sat back down beside him petting the rabbit.

''Don't tell me you've gotten attached to one already Y/N'' Levi grumbled looking down to the black and white rabbit. Flicking your head up to him you held up the rabbit to him ''he looked lonely! So I'm staying with him... Cute little guy.. Aren't you?'' you began to coo down at the rabbit again as Levi clicked his tongue, cautiously sitting down next to you he watched you pet it. Outstretching a hand he scratched it behind its ears earning a smile from you, the furball turned around on your lap to get comfortable before moving onto Levi's lap.

''He seems to like you- Oh my god you two are so alike!'' you giggle flickering your gaze between Levi and the rabbit. ''Are you calling me an animal?'' Levi questioned, shaking your head you pointed to the white cravat he wore then to the white chest of the rabbit. ''He's a rabbit version of you, the black fur he has is the black suit you're wearing now and the white chest is your cravat! That's it I'm naming him Levi as well'' you smiled as Levi pet the rabbit nodding sightly.

''Alright then... Why don't you go name other furballs after Scouts?'' Levi suggested making you perk up and crawl over to the other little rabbits leaving him with the one you named after him. Eventually arriving back to him with a light brown colored giddy one and an F/C one who snuggled up to your chest, kneeling in front of the ebony-haired man you smiled down at the two animals. ''I found Hanji and me'' you show Levi the two females as the one you named Hanji jumps out of your arms, obviously wanting to play with the one on Levi's lap who ignored her completely. The F/C one sat up slightly looking over to the mini Levi in curiosity, sitting next to Levi you rest your head back against the fence as the F/C furball shifted in your lap facing the mini Levi who stared at her.

''She's just like me.. I'm naming her Y/N, and he's just like you, so he's Levi'' you snicker as Levi rolls his eyes at your childish humor. ''Y/N's cute isn't she?'' Levi mumbled petting the mini you on the head as a pink dusted his cheeks ''I-I mean t-the rabbit... U-Uhm..'' he stuttered as you chuckled ''yeah, and he's a handsome little fella'' you tease as Levi bites his lower lip looking down to the mini-him on his lap that stared at the F/C one.

Resting your head on Levi's shoulder you shift your gaze towards the sun which was about to start disappearing over the hills. Feeling mini you move around on your lap again you looked down to her, watching her rest in between your and Levi's legs soon joined by the black and white furball that snuggled up against her.

Feeling something soft press against your cheek you turned to Levi who looked back to you, a flustered smile covered your lips as you pecked his lips. ''Fuck it I don't care if you're obsessed with animals..'' Levi muttered making you confused. ''Huh-?'' you were cut off when Levi pressed his lips against your own, his scent filling your nose which made you feel like you were being lulled to sleep by such an intoxicating cologne. Not hesitating to return it you gingerly placed a hand underneath his jawbone as the kiss deepened. Soon pulling away you bit your lower lip looking down to your lap in a flustered state. ''S-So want to go out sometime?'' Levi stammered, turning to him you smiled and nodded causing him to smile softly.

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