Levi x Civilian!Reader ~ Youngblood

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Request: Levi falling for a younger woman(Not like 14 young but she's 17 going on 18) She's not a scout or anything but she does help Erwin out with like paperwork. Like an assistant LOL

Warning: Cursing


You had been helping out the Scouts for quite some time now, you were at the age of 17 almost 18 and that's when you officially become an adult. Your parents had refused to let you join the scouts so instead you help out as much as you can in the HQ, assisting Erwin with paperwork, helping Levi clean his office. Writing out papers for Hanji's experiments and bringing the soldiers some little treats you buy every now and then, you even worked in the infirmary sometimes to help with the injured. Everyone welcomed you in with open arms, well, except for the Captain. He just clicked his tongue at you when you first appeared.

Walking through the hallways you heard Levi bark orders to terrified cadets in the training field, a small basket in your hand as you ventured into the mess hall and left the basket full of different types of food in the kitchen with a little note saying anyone could take what they wanted.

Strolling out of the mess hall you made your way to Erwin's office, seeing how he was doing and if he needed help with anything. Erwin had begun to see you as a younger sister, you were the same with him acting as he was an older brother. Knocking on his door you heard a sturdy 'come in' echo towards the door, stepping inside you sent the taller man a cheeky grin as he smiled ''hello Y/N, how are you today?'' he asked as you nodded slightly ''I'm doing just find Erwin, what about you?'' you asked pulling up a chair in front of his desk and sitting down across from him. Chuckling he sat back in his chair ''I'm doing quite fine, Levi had been wondering when you would come back'' he says with a slight smirk.

Raising an eyebrow in concern you tilted your head to the side slightly ''oh? Is he alright?'' you questioned, Erwin's smirk grew bigger ever so slightly ''yes he's fine, I need you to give him some paperwork after he's done with training... which should be right now if I'm not mistaken'' Erwin says checking the clock before opening a drawer to his desk and taking out a small pile of paperwork and handing them to you. ''You don't mind giving him these, do you? You've been helping out a lot around here lately and I don't want to stress you out'' Erwin says as you smiled softly to him, taking the pages you stood up and put the chair back to where it was originally. ''Nono I don't mind at all, I'm happy to help'' you watch as the blonde nods and continues with his own before you walk out to find the Captain.

Humming calmly to yourself you arrived outside the mahogany door of Levi's office you knocked carefully. ''Who is it?'' Levi growled from inside making you bite your lower lip ''it's Y/N, Erwin wanted me to give you some paperwork'' you say hearing shuffling come from behind the door, soon the door swings open as Levi stands there looking over you. ''E-eh.. hey Levi here's the papers'' you hand him the pages as he begins to flick through them, nodding quietly he walked back over to his desk. ''Come in Y/N, I need you to help me get these done quicker alright?'' he told you sitting down in his chair, nodding you swiftly following him in after shutting the door behind you.

Picking up a chair you softly placed it opposite his own as Levi passed you two of the papers, sitting down you mumbled thanks and began to work with him.

I could see him glancing my way from the corner of his eye every now and then, finally finishing the paperwork he gave me I sit back in the chair reading over the pages making sure there were no mistakes. 'Perfect as always Y/N~' I thought proudly before looking to Levi. ''I'm finished, anything else you want?'' I offer as he shakes his head. ''You've done enough for me Y/N, you can go do whatever you want now'' Levi said, smiling I nod to him, bring the chair back to where it was placed in the first place I leave with a small 'cya Cap!'.

// Levi's P.O.V \

I watched her leave, an empty feeling filled my stomach seeing her leave. 'Why did I basically tell her to leave? Fucking hell- Wait what? Damn it Levi! You're beginning to have feelings for her! Then again.. Who wouldn't?' I thought to myself, smirking at the thought of her. 'Maybe it's just like one of those shitty little crushes that the brats would have in school? Tch what the fuck am I thinking?' I inwardly scold myself.

// Your P.O.V \

I stood alongside Hanji, scribbling down notes about Eren whilst she was experimenting with his titan form. Right now his form was sitting hunched over as I frantically tried to take down every detail and note as she squealed in delight. ''Y/N! Y/N LOOK AT HIS ARM!'' Hanji screeched in joy as I smiled at her fondly.

Speedily getting a sketch of Eren's titan I flipped to a new page and continued with the writing. ''Why don't you get him to do some stuff Hanji, find out what he's able to do in his titan form?'' I suggest as she nods furiously before letting out a string of commands to Eren.

''Oi Hanji! What are you doing?'' I heard from behind me and Hanji, turning around I smile to Levi who was wandering towards us. ''Oh hey Levi! Don't mind us! I'm just getting Eren to do some stuff in his titan form while Y/N is being an incredible assistant'' Hanji replies as I flush lightly from the compliment, I always got so flustered from compliments. ''Y/N you're not being forced into this are you?'' Levi asked arriving next to me, shaking my head I giggle at him. ''Not at all Levi, don't worry about me'' I notice him studying my face again before he gives a nod, silence fills the space between us two before Hanji suddenly jerks my arm squealing. ''Y/N! Y/N GET A SKETCH! GET NOTES! EVERY DETAIL!'' she cried out happily as I instantly began sketching Eren's facial expression, taking down notes I quickly finish.

A while later, Levi was bickering with Hanji as I decided to stay silent instead of being caught in the line of fire. Humming quietly to myself I pretend to be oblivious to Levi looking at me once again. ''Shorty stop checking Y/N out, you've never stopped talking about her when she's not here yet when she is here you go quiet!'' Hanji teases as Levi scowls at her. ''Tch shut it four-eyes'' he grumbles crossing his arms over his chest.

A few minutes later I glanced to the small watch I wore, sighing I look back to the two soldiers next to me. ''I have to go, my mother would want me back by now'' I mumble as Hanji nods taking the notes and sketches. ''Thank you Y/N you've done a great amount of work!'' she grins making me snicker ''no problem Hanji if you want me you know where to find me'' I say as she hums in acknowledgment. Turning I smile to Levi ''I'll see you too tomorrow mister'' I watch his expression go slightly sad. ''Alright Y/N... Have a good night, I'll see you tomorrow'' he says back before I walk off heading out of the HQ for home.

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