Levi x Medic!Injured!Reader ~ Help

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Request: What if reader is Levi's s/o and has all kinds of medical training and while she fixes him up after expeditions she teaches him some of what she knows and her teaching him ends up saving her life in the feild when there is no one else to help her and it's all fluffy?

Warning: Mentions of Blood, Slight Violence

Lmao I got no knowledge of anything medical so bear with me pls lol


You were one of the best medics known to mankind, you were a guardian angel on the battlefield. Saving those from the brink of death and boosting the healing process of those which were already in the infirmary. You even helped your lover Levi when he injured his leg, from the medicine you made and the skills you mastered over the years Levi was back up and ready to fight again in no time.

Fixing a stray piece of hair behind your ear you sat at your desk in the infirmary, you had earned yourself a little medical office along with a small area for any emergency patients that needed attention straight away. Your office was bright white, a large desk that was situated in front of a large window, to the side of the room was the emergency part of your office where different medicines and equipment sat ready for use.

Looking down to the little sheet of paper in front of you-you finished signing off the last medical report before setting it to the side with the rest. Hearing the door to your office open you darted your E/C eyes to the door, seeing Levi walk in and shut it behind him before walking to you. ''Good evening Levi, how are you?'' you flashed him a gentle smile as he raises an eyebrow to you, walking around your desk and sitting on the corner of it he looked down to you. ''I've been good doc.. Except I fell earlier and I hurt my knee'' Levi sent a quick pout your way as you gave him a concerned look. ''The thing is... I fell for you'' he continued as you let a small laugh slip, shaking your head as you snickered to the male. ''Levi you can be so cheesy sometimes'' you commented seeing a smirk on his lips.

''You get me wondering Y/N'' Levi says glancing around your office, quirking an eyebrow you tilted your head to the side. ''How? Did I do something wrong?'' you question with a hint of concern, shaking his head Levi clicks his tongue. ''How do you know what to do, in really fucking stressful situations? How do you remember everything you learned? It's an impressive skill you have'' the man replied as you let a quite 'oh..' escape your lips. Shrugging you lay back in your chair ''well, I just do know it yknow? It's hard to describe how- Oh! Maybe I can show you some procedures in case someone gets injured or whatever the case may be when I'm not there?'' you suggest, Levi takes one last glance around your office before turning to you and nodding.

// Time Skip - Present Time \

You swiftly dodged the swiping hands of the titan as you attempted to slice it's nape, this bugger has decided to get in your way when you were going to check up on everyone to see if there's any casualties. Of course Levi accompanied you, dodging another swipe of the hand. The titan had other plans, almost instantly you felt a rough force come in contact with your back sending you hurtling towards and towards the ground.

Screeching you desperately tried to get yourself together yet before you could you had already come in contact with the ground. Skidding a few meters before coming to a stop, bloody and battered you opened your drowsy eyes. Flicking your blurry vision you could make out the large figure of the same titan reaching down for you. The titan didn't have a choice of reaching for you when you watched Levi furiously sliced off its hand.

No, furious wasn't the word..

Levi was livid.

You could see Levi tear through the titan and kill it off, groaning from the pain you pulled yourself up to your knees. Noticing Levi landed on the ground and was now sprinting to you, collapsing to his knees he let you fall into his chest coughing a little. ''L-Levi I'm bleeding, my stomach...'' you barely managed to say as he hurriedly lay you down and started getting to work on stopping the blood from your stomach.

Levi was panicking, a lot. He forced himself to stay calm even though he was basically on the verge of tears, stuttering comforting words as he began to patch you up. That's what happened until you lost consciousness.

You woke back up a few minutes later, the ringing sound of horses sprinting from all around you as you felt a warm chest pressed up against you, one hand wrapped around your waist as the other held the reins of the black stallion beath you. Tiredly looking up your eyes landed on Levi who had a determined look cast on his face. ''Where are we going..?'' you croak, Levi snaps his gaze down to you before leaning down and planting a gentle kiss to your forehead training his gunmetal orbs ahead of him once again. ''We're going home, stay quiet and rest, you need to get back your energy'' Levi said sternly, slightly nodding you dig your face into his chest and fall asleep.

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