Levi x SleepParalysis!Reader ~ Nightmares

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Request: could you do a scenario where levi's s/o sleeps with him for the first time and she has sleep paralysis so levi wakes up to his s/o whimpering and he freaks out cuz she's not responding to his calls then with time levi learned to help his s/o with her sleep paralysis

Warning: Cursing


You were sound asleep one minute looking like you didn't have a care in the world whilst Levi had just started to fall asleep before he heard your whimper. He sat up looking down at your face, your face was crunched up in distress ''oi Y/N'' he whispered tapping your forearm, no response, but you continue to let out small whimpers and cries. Subtle words slipping from your lips every now and then, ''Y/N'' Levi croaked tapping you again but this time a bit harder, still nothing. ''Oi Y/N listen to me'' he tried again, panic was starting to settle in the short man as he watched your terror struck figure.

''Help..'' you choked out, Levi instantly understood, you're not responding to his calls to you, nor were you able to move. You were under-going sleep paralysis, Levi began to shake you gently eventually waking you up.

In a cold sweat your eyes darted around the room like a stray cat getting used to its new home, Levi sat up putting a hand on your shoulder. Flinching hard Levi immediately took his hand off you, you immediately snapped your vision to face him. Sighing deeply ''I'm sorry.. fucking sleep paralysis happens to me often.. fuck'' you leaned over resting your hands on your forehead looking down to the bed covers with a guilty expression.

''Oi don't apologize it's not your fault, here I'll get you a drink you look fucking exhausted'' Levi said climbing out of bed, you could hear the soft pitter-patter of his feet against the wooden floor until he left the room. Guilt building and building from keeping your boyfriend awake and now he's out of bed to get you some water? You tiredly rubbed your eyes releasing a long sigh.

// Time Skip \

You would have sleep paralysis every now and then, Levi has gotten used to them sometimes shaking you awake and sometimes you would come out of them yourself to find him sitting there with a dazed expression. But this did give you both an excuse to cuddle and to see Levi become a complete and utter softy to you for 10 minutes.

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