Eaten!Levi x Reader ~ Survivor

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Request: Maybe a short story where levi gets eaten alive by a titan? The reader kills the titan and cuts it open saving him?

This is inspired by the first time Eren came out of his titan and Mikasa cried >,

I accidentally uploaded this when I was still working on it lmao my finger slipped

Warning: None


It had happened so fast, too fast.

You and Levi were fighting an abnormal, you didn't even have enough time to react and save Levi when the titan lunged and caught Levi in it's mouth in one swift motion.

Levi had just been eaten whole, right in front of your eyes. Eyes widening as tears stung begging to be free you gripped the handles of your blades as you looked at the abnormal in agony and shock.

"I'm gonna...."

"I'm gonna.."


Screaming you bulleted towards it, violently slicing off both it's hands in a couple of seconds before you sliced along the nape of the titan. Luckily it fell onto its back as you landed on the blood soaked grass.

Your once white pants were now blood stained as you ran over to the stomach of the titan, panicking you began to tear away at it's stomach with ragged breaths and choked sobs hoping Levi was still hanging onto the last threads of life.

Finally cutting through the tissue, acidic substances poured out along the grass beneath you as you spotted Levi unconscious in it all. Reaching out to the raven haired male you got a grip of his Scouting Cape as it floated along the left over stomach acid that didn't spill. Hauling Levi over to you-you anxiously bit your lower lip as you tumbled out onto the grass next to the titan corpse.

Levi laying on your lap, heart thumping rapidly in your chest you sat up abruptly pulling him up to his knees as his head hung back, hair dripping from the sloppy substance as his chest laid against your own.

"Levi? Levi?" you mumbled hoping he'd hear, wrapping your arms underneath his armpit to support him. Blinking back tears you moved your arms down as you leant down resting your head against his chest where his heart would be.

Thump, thump

Thump, thump

Thump, thump

Your vision was now clouded, tears streaked freely down your cheeks as you let out pained sobs. The sobs soon turned to loud and desperate cries as you both sat there, him unconsciously leaning against you like a ragdoll as you clung to him crying loudly like you'd never see your lover again.

Horses were heard from a distance, arms wrapped around Levi you sobbed and sniffled uncontrollably, soon enough the familiar clip-clop if a horses hooves were heard. "Y/N- Wait what happened?!" Hanji shrieked seeing your tear stained face as you held Levi in your arms "h-he almost d-died! H-he's unconscious!" you replied as Hanji jumped off her horse and stood next to you where she rested a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "He's breathing right?" she asked as you nodded.

"Come on, lets go then Y/N" Hanji soothed as you nodded, she brought a spare horse and helped you on as you held onto Levi.

// Time Skip \

Laying your head back against the chair you sat on you glimpsed at Levi's peaceful face as he remained unconscious.

Being eaten alive must have done a number on his energy, so you decided to stay by his side in case he woke up and needed anything. Picking up the book you were reading earlier you continued on reading with it since you had just recently hit half way in the story.

Some time passed and you heard shuffling come from the bed in front of you, flicking your gaze to the man in front of you-you watched Levi tiredly open his eyes revealing those mysterious gunmetal orbs that reeled you in anytime you looked at them. Groaning softly Levi's gaze waltzed around the private medical room until it landed on you.

"How the fuck... Am I- Here..?" Levi's voice was hoarse as you gave him a soft looking expression "I was eaten- Now I'm alive?" he continued looking over his limbs. Smiling you nod and lace your hand in his own "yes, you're alive you literally made me have a panic attack as I cut open the titans stomach to save you" you explain as Levi's eyebrows furrow in guilt. "I'm sorry you had to do that.." he murmed as you shook your head at him.

"Don't even dare apologise Levi, you don't need to, you may be Humanities Strongest but that doesn't mean I don't get to save you like the amazing girlfriend I am~" a smirk tugs at the corner of your lips as Levi clicks his tongue. "Whatever makes you happy Y/N" he said looking out the window of the room, content with having you in his life.

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