Headcanon #12

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Request: What would Levi's thoughts be while he on his way to finally ask out the reader on a date after subtly flirting with and trying to get the attention of Y/N

Put this as a hc kay?

Warning: None

¬ Levi is n e r v o u s

¬ He'd silently be panicking on what to say

¬ He shouldn't be worried right?

¬ 'No need to be worried I have it under control..'

¬ Those thoughts were swept away easily when he knocked on your door

¬ You let Levi in and sit wherever since it's ''important'' according to him

¬ Complete silence

¬ Until Levi starts stuttering like a child

¬ adorable

¬ ''So uh... wanna go out for a drink sometime? Maybe just a trip on our horses?''

¬ Wait.. was he asking you out

¬ Your face went so red it was like Mikasa's scarf

¬ ''Captain a-are you asking me o-out?''

¬ Expect a silent nod

¬ You grin like Hanji when she sees Eren in his titan form

¬ ''Sure I'd love to go out for a drink with you sir!''

¬ Levi immediately feels at ease

¬ He thought you were into Jean or Connie

¬ But Levi's happy you like him back

¬ The little date actually goes really well and you two become a couple in the end <3

Love One Another - Levi x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now