Flustered!Levi x Reader ~ Innocence

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Request: Hey! Could you do a little fluff where the reader makes Levi blush by complimeting him? If you dont want to do this no worries! Thank you for all you the stories you write!!💜💜

When I first thought about ideas for this I almost died from how adorable it is! It's also a pleasure to write these little stories for you~! 💕

Warning: Cursing


You landed on the ground with a thud, groaning loudly you slowly sat up wincing from pain looking up the raven-haired Captain who stood shirtless before you. ''You got me good there sir... fair play'' you smiled to him, Levi rose an eyebrow offering a hand to help you up. Taking his hand Levi hauled you up, dusting yourself down you rested your hands on your hips looking at him.

''Surprised you're not whining like any other shitty brat when you are put to the ground'' Levi grumbles making you giggle ''I may not whine like them but I still do moan about some stuff'' Your innocence completely clouding what you just said as Levi's eyes widened a fraction, a red hue completely covering his cheeks. ''Sir how are you so strong though? It's really impressive...'' you smile looking at his toned chest, Levi's cheeks reddening slightly more ''Tch.. training brat, now let's get back to it hm?'' Levi said getting into a fighting stance, you nodded eagerly.

// Time Skip \

You walked into Levi's office expecting him to be at his desk, you were delivering his evening tea. Raising an eyebrow you looked around not seeing Levi anywhere in his office, a door was closed at the corner of his room next to the large window behind his desk. ''Captain?'' you called out ''I'm in my room, come in Y/N'' you hear Levi from behind the door across the room. Walking over and quietly opening the door you peeped your head in and offered him a grin seeing Levi lay on his bed reading whilst his straps and boots were at the end of the bed. Looking to you from his bed he motioned for you to come closer.

Walking over you set down his tea on his dresser that was next to his bed ''what're you reading sir?'' you asked trying to figure out what book he was so interested in. ''I'm reading... Attack On Titan..'' Levi answered checking the cover of it ''oh cool'' you bit your lip. Silence filled the room as you awkwardly fondled with your sleeve, suddenly Levi sat up and pulled out some finished paperwork from his drawer.

''Take these to Erwin then come back here'' Levi instructed handing you the small stack of papers watching you carefully, hesitantly nodding you left the room to find the Commander and deliver the papers.

'Wonder why he needs me to go back after?'

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