Levi x Daughter!Reader ~ Princess' Castle

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Warnings: Some Cursing


Levi was known for his hard and cold exterior, and for being Humanities Strongest, women and hormonal teenage girls constantly tried getting into his pants. What he wasn't known for was he had a little gem, his gorgeous little princess Y/N. Levi found you when you were only a few weeks old and had taken you in under his wing since then your little mind had admired your father greatly, wanting to be just like him one day. Levi had left you at one of your kindergarten friends houses since he was a very busy man, of course, he had a good trust level with your friend's parents and knew you were in good hands. You surprisingly had very good manners and done what you were told.

// Your P.O.V \

I sat on the couch playing with a little doll, F/N was playing with his train set on the ground while his mommy and daddy were making us dinner. I got up and let my small toddler legs carry me to the window and saw daddy riding to the house on his big horse! I squealed letting F/N's mommy know daddy was back, she smiled at me and let me run out to my father. As I ran out my little dress danced with the wind, so did my H/C hair. A smile plastered onto my face as I tried to sprint to my father who chuckled to himself ''daddy! I missed you!'' I called out as he knelt down letting me run into his chest to give him a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a tight hug while he patted my back, picking me up and resting me on his hip as F/N's mommy came out to greet daddy. ''How has she been Joan?'' My daddy asked F/N's mommy, she smiled leaning against the doorway ''Y/N's been an angel! Why don't you both come inside?'' She suggested, daddy shook his head slowly ''I have to get back, I only came for a little visit'' Levi admitted letting me down, I ran over to the large horse waiting by the gate ''daddy your horse is so cool! Like the one in Sleeping Beauty!'' I exclaimed happily looking up to the animal who was looking around. Levi smiled at me before starting to talk to F/N's mommy, all I could hear is daddy saying sorry if I'm bothering them? Oh well, the horse is more entertaining!

I see a sack at the back of the horse and decide to climb in ''To wonderland!'' I giggle as I got into the sack at the back of the horse, it was somewhat comfortable and somehow I managed to fall asleep in it.

// Time Skip \

I woke up and heard neighing, instinctively I shot up and looked around seeing all pretty horses! 'This must be a stable! So cool!' I thought to myself as I climbed out of the sack that was attached to the horse's equipment, I walked out of the stable waving goodbye to the horsies before I saw a big castle making my face light up in excitement ''A princess castle!! This is so cool!'' I ran over to the big doors of the castle and somehow managed to push one open. Looking around seeing nobody around except a few lit torches and crates along with some different hallways. ''Hmmm.. eenie meenie miney moe!'' my little finger landed on the hallway with some stairs leading upwards. My little legs carried me up the large staircase and I landed at the top, immediately sitting down out of breath. I looked ahead seeing multiple doors then two big at the end of the corridor with light shining through. ''That must be the princess' room!'' I grinned getting back up and made my way towards the big doors, as I got closer I began to hear chatter come from behind them.

I hesitantly opened one of them revealing a very large room, tables filled with people wearing uniforms that were eating, laughing and talking. There was a small staircase leading down to the place where all those people sat and ate, I spot a kitchen area and begin to slowly and carefully make my way down another set of stairs, reaching my small arm up to the banister making sure I don't trip. I reached the bottom and people still didn't notice me since they had their backs to me. I made my small figure make way through the crowd and into the kitchen area that had the superiors table next to it.

// Hanji's P.O.V \

I was in a daze thinking about my next titan experiments when something caught my eye. 'A little girl?!' I instantly think before I rip my goggles off, furiously cleaning them with my sleeve. ''Oi four-eyes what's wrong with you?'' Shorty watched me ''I could have sworn I saw a little girl head into the kitchen!'' I exclaim trying to sound as sane as possible, this caused Levi to click his tongue in annoyance, rolling his eyes he continued to drink his tea. I shook my head dismissing the thought and got back to daydreaming about titans.

// Your P.O.V \

There were no yummy foods I liked in the kitchen place so I walked out with a pout until I looked straight ahead seeing daddy! He brought me to the princess castle! ''Daddy!'' I call out to Levi loudly catching then attention of nearby soldiers. Levi's head snapped to the direction from where your voice came from, his eye widened seeing you make your way to him. Hanji squealed getting up and running to me ''hi sweetie! I knew I saw you walking into the kitchen! What's your name? I'm Hanji Zoe!'' Hanji grinned while picking me up I gasped ''are you the princess that lives in this castle!?'' I asked excitedly, Hanji giggled before bringing me to the superiors table '' now who were you calling daddy here sweetie?'' She asked gently, I point to Levi and reach my hands out to him. ''Daddy you brought me to a princess castle! Thank you!'' Levi sat in shock, how did you manage to get here? But he took me in his arms anyway ''how did you get here..?'' He questioned, I giggled ''There was a bag on the side of your horsie! It was really comfortable so I went asleep in it!'' Hanji awed, surprisingly so did Erwin and a few others.

// Time Skip \

I was outside playing catch with my new friends Sasha, Eren, Christa ,Mikasa, Armin and Jean! It was so much fun and I was it, I ran after Jean tapping his leg while shouting 'Catch!' before running the opposite way. Mikasa called out to me and asked if I wanted a piggy-back ride, I agreed happily. Getting on her back while we ran away laughing. Little did we know Hanji had been watching us play instead of training making her smile, ''she's adorable Levi! I never knew you had a kid!'' She giggled to the man beside her watching his daughter play. ''I found her when she was a few weeks old, she stays with her friend since I can't have her living here like it's her home''. Levi sighed ''I'm going to have them brats on stable duty later for slacking off'' this made Hanji groan ''but they are just playing! Plus they are keeping Y/N entertained'' Hanji replied.

''Fine shitty-glasses''.

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