Levi x Reader Office!AU - Office Banter

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*3rd Person*

A normal day in work, Y/N writing notes in her notebook with her trusty little pen, across from her sat a very bored Levi, with not that much work left. Y/N peeped over her computer to sneak a look to find out what her boyfriend of 4 years was up to only to find him doodling on a spare page instead of paperwork. I mean, wouldn't you be bored out of your mind if you had to do paperwork all day?

She got up and strolled over to the coffee machine, getting herself another cup of 'sleep is non-existent' ( coffee ) and returned back to her seat, taking sips from time to time while continuing to work.

*1st Person*

I looked over to Levi to figure out what he was doodling, ' hmmmmm... it looks like... a dog? Some animal maybe? ' I thought as I got my phone out of my bag resting beside my desk, that's when I started to record him. Zooming in and out from time to time to try add a little effect, I even started using filters on him. I let out a small giggle that caught his attention very quickly, he looked across to me to see what I found amusing only to look straight at the camera.

"Ha! Gotcha!" I cheered "how long have you been recording may I ask?" Levi replied with the slightest smile on his face, I just winked at him before sending the small clips and pictures to him on Snapchat. I watched Levi look over the clips and pictures until.. I heard something I hear very rarely when we are in public.. He started letting out little laughs. "Damn you might as well be a stalker or some shit Y/N" he laughed, causing me to let out one in amusement "well I guess I found something to do in this booorrriinnngg office after all Mr. Ackerman~" I smiled over to him, he returned only a small one, for me to see, nobody else "one day I hope you know you'll be an Ackerman too" Now that made my cheeks go up in flames, only thinking about walking down the isle to him, Levi in a fancy tuxedo, spending the day with me, I could go on forever-

"Oi Y/N you alright?" Levi said with a concerned tone while waving one of his hands in front of my face "oh yeah.. sorry, I just got lost in thought of what our wedding would be like" I said as I looked out the window to the city stretching across the land. "Well.. the wedding would be brilliant as long as you're having a good time and enjoying the day" Levi stated and he brought his chair over beside mine "Now before we get into any of that sappy shit, I'm just gonna be clear, you're stuck with me, I'm stuck with you" he joked while wrapping an arm around me, I rested my head on his chest. "Yep, that's fine with me Levi" I said as i looked off into the distance, imagining our future together, I could tell he was excited about it as well.

"Love ya Levi"

"Right back at ya brat"

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