Levi x Ghoul!Reader ~ Tough Love

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Request: heya! could you do a scenario where levi finds out that his s/o is a ghoul (he finds her eating) and she tries to explain and theres some angst. Thank you in advance ;)

You're lucky I watched a few episodes of Tokyo Ghoul lmao xD If I didn't I wouldn't have a clue what I would be writing lol

I'm also putting this in the AoT universe if you don't mind

Warning: Gore, angst, cursing


Your stomach churned for the tenth time today, you recently found out you were a Ghoul a vicious monster with a frightening appetite for human flesh. You desperately tried to convince yourself you were still human, shoving food in your mouth only to chug it back up mere seconds later. The metallic, rotten taste some of your favorite deserts now held made you think you were going insane.

You would skip out on dinner, not wanting to get sick in front of everyone and even Levi and to stop the chance of violently attacking someone as well. So here you were, huddled up your room watching the hands of the large clock slowly tick by. Tick tick tick you were at the point of nearly starving to death, refusing to be the monster the world wants you to become. You couldn't take it anymore, getting up swiftly yet silently careful not to disturb your friends who were in a deep sleep, you got changed and headed out of the HQ, making your way to the nearest village which happened to be filled with filthy lowlife scumbags.

As you climbed up on your trusty companion, Jet, your horse you set off into the darkness of the night.

// Levi's P.O.V \

I sat at my desk, arms crossed as I watched the little candle flicker full with life. I ran a hand through my hair not even bothering to get some sleep, as a few minutes of silence passed I slowly tore myself away from my leather chair behind my desk resulting in it to creak. I turned around facing a large window that overlooked the entrance to the HQ, spotting someone leaving through the gates sparked my curiosity, quickly getting on my jacket and scouting cape I gently blew out the candle, canceling it of its life as I headed out the door. 'Who thought they could get the fuck out at this hour? Tch idiot...' I opened the large doors to the outside quickly making my way to the stables I gently took my horse by the reins and led her out, climbing on top I set off to catch whoever left the premises just a few minutes ago.

// Your P.O.V \

I was trailing along a pathway by a river, the path leading to a large wooden bridge to the little village that was seemingly filled with life as I heard cheering and men laughing. Crickets chirped silently in the safety of the grass and bushes as stars speckled the night sky along with clouds dusted above my head. I made it to the bridge and galloped pleasantly as I ventured closer towards the delicious smell of flesh. Torches scattered around the streets, warm light seeping out from windows of inns, pubs, and houses. I jumped off my horse holding its rein as I made my way towards the crowd of drunken men laughing outside a filled bar. Smiling innocently towards them as I set up my horse in the last stable.

''Hey aren't you a pretty thing? Come here for some fun doll?'' one of the men teased obviously not knowing what he's getting himself into. ''Yes maybe I am looking for some fun, why don't you follow me hm?'' I replied gesturing into the dark alleyway not far from where we were now, he followed where I gestured to and nodded eagerly. A dirty grin creeping onto his face as he set down his beer, following me into the darkness.

// Levi's P.O.V \

I followed the tracks of another horse to a nearby village, eyes flickering from the ground to ahead making sure I don't run into something and to also keep on their tail I ended up at a local bar to the village. Cheers and hollers began from the drunken locals when I jumped off my horse noticing Y/N's horse in the end stable, quickly putting mine next to hers I called out to the small group of men '' you seen a woman ride in just a few minutes ago?'' I squinted making them chuckle ''she went off with one of our own'' The drunken stranger nodded down to the alleyway ''Down there is where you should find em'' I nodded before setting off down the darkened area.

// Your P.O.V \

I giggled playfully whirling my kagune around the now fear struck man as he screamed in fear trying to run back out to his friends, that's when I stabbed him. His blood spluttered out as he looked down horrified to his chest seeing a demonic tentacle slowly move from side to side, I pulled him back hovering him lightly above the ground and began to tear into his fresh juicy flesh. The smell of blood drowned my nose in pure delight as I ate him viciously. Licking his blood while a grin plastered onto my face, blood slowly pouring through the creaks of the bricks. I immediately stopped my actions when I heard blades being pulled out, slowly looking around with my crimson red eyes to meet Levi's. His face dropped as he shouted ''what are you doing Y/N!?'' I shook my head and continued to eat after saying ''I was hungry..'' I soon finished, turning around to fully face Levi, my outfit dripping and stained with blood. Levi frowned ''what the fuck has gotten into you?'' He growled ''I can't eat normal food..'' I said in a matter-of-fact manner while crossing my arms, the kagune disappearing behind my back as I reach my hand out for him '' I can't eat normal food anymore Levi please believe me'' I begged making him raise one of his blades higher ''you're a fucking monster, god knows what the fuck you are'' Levi snarled making me frown ''it's not like I chose this! It just started happening at the end of last week! I refused to eat a human and I forced myself to eat normal food, that just resulting me getting sick and puking it back up!'' I yelled to him, begging for him to understand.

''fucking monster..'' Levi mumbled before everything went black.

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