Levi x Lonely!Reader ~ Chase

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Warning: Cursing

Summary: You are close friends with Eren and have recently joined the Levi Squad with him due to both of your titan powers, on a mission in Trost you are left alone with no gas and a set of blades running from a titan through the streets and alleyways.

Will anyone save you?


Landing on the stone ground with a thud and grunt I sat up groaning in pain ''fuck... gas please don't say you gave up on me'' I growl to the two canisters taking them out and inspecting them only to find out they're completely empty. Letting out a string of curses from frustration I stood up looking around the empty street ''Captain's gonna whoop my ass.... Then again that doesn't sound so bad'' I snicker to myself shaking my head dismissing the dirty thoughts that played in my mind, clicking my tongue I began to think about how I'll reach the others and refill my gas canisters. ''Well I only got a set of blades left, today is a really shitty day...'' I grumble to myself as I began walking down the street keeping an eye out for any titans.

Just as I was about to let out a sigh of relief from no titans I feel the ground shake from beneath me, shoulders slumping I scrunch up my face in anger slowly getting more pissed off. ''For fucks sake!'' I cry out looking behind me seeing a 7 meter smiling down to me with lusty eyes preparing its next meal. It slowly began to walk towards me until it was at a slow jog, that was my cue to run, darting off the opposite way down the streets and sets of stone stairs. Looking over my shoulder I glanced back to see the titan was now running at me, screaming in terror I suddenly got a boost of energy and picked up my speed, cries of terror leaving my lips as I continued through parts of Trost screeching like a mad-woman.

Turning around a sharp corner I continued to run, soon the beast followed me around the corner grinning sadistically ''piss off you ugly fucker! I got a card game tonight with Eren and the others so you can go fuck off!'' I shout back to the beast who ignored my angry cries and continued to chase me like a wolf at a sheep.

// Eren's P.O.V \\

I stood on the roof behind the Captain as we waited for the rest of Levi Squad to re-group, hearing wires zip I turn around seeing Petra and Oluo return shortly followed by Gunther and Eld. I sighed tapping my foot on the roof impatiently as we waited for Y/N. 'Come on... Don't tell us you got eaten...' I thought watching the Captain turn around to face us. ''Anyone know where the fuck Y/N is?'' he asked sternly, shaking our heads no we continued to stand in silence ''maybe she got eaten... oh well, that's a scout for you.. let's continue with the mission'' Oluo sarcastically sighed ending up in Petra roughly hitting his shoulder ''don't you dare talk about Y/N like that! I bet she's fine probably just sorting out a titan!'' she exclaimed frowning to the taller man. Levi clicked his tongue ''tch.. she's definitely taking her time huh?'' he said rolling his eyes. I frowned, how could they be so casual about Y/N not turning up?

// Your P.O.V \\

I continued to sprint away from the beast as it chased me, turning another corner I ran straight into a dead end, rubble blocking the other end. I paled as my eyes went wide as dinner plates, leaning against the wall looking to the ground with a shocked expression 'is this it? Really..? I die to a stupid stubborn titan..? Damn... I can't transform or else Levi will literally end my life... But if I don't I'll die here... eh.. I die anyways so what's the point?' I thought sadly at the thought of Levi, raising my head I looked up to the sky, the sun peeking over the rooftop shining down onto my figure as I hear footsteps. Looking to the side I watch the titan come around the corner of the building and slowly walk towards me, I stared at it with a drained expression ''fuck you're stubborn when it comes to food... '' I say to it as if it would understand me. ''You're stubborn like someone else I know too..I love him..'' I add glancing back to the ground whilst the titan stared down at me before reaching out its long arm.

Feeling a sudden shock go through me before I dodged the hand of the monster, leaping forward before it could grab me I looked at it whilst gulping. 'What am I doing? I thought I gave up when I arrived here? Why am I still fighting? There's no point' I thought sorrowfully dodging another swipe of its hand, seeing an opportunity to go between its legs I took it, swiftly diving and skidding through the gap between the titans legs I escaped out the alleyway back into the streets, standing back up I let a smug smirk toy at my lips. Looking back to it I stood up and shoved out my middle finger ''fucker! Think I'll go out without a fight!? You're a right idiot ain't ya!'' I laugh to it as it stands there for a few seconds before breaking into a run towards me, screaming in horror I run away like a dog with its tail between its legs. ''Fuck off!'' I scream back to it, where was I getting all this energy from? Damn my stamina is great! Running down a bunch of stairs I see a group of people standing on top of a roof. The titan nearly on top of me at this point I scream looking over my shoulder to the beast that was reaching down for me.

''DRINK BLEACH PUSSY!'' I screech up to it as it nearly grabs me. Seeing the figures on the rooftop getting closer as I run towards them I recognize them as my squad, waving my arms about like an insane person I scream for their attention. ''HEY! GUYS A LITTLE HELP THIS WEIRDO IS TRYNA KILL ME!'' I shriek getting Eren's attention after he sees a titan chasing someone ''Y/N?!'' he says shocked ''oh my! y/n run!'' Petra called out as she shot off with the others. Levi's eyebrows furrowed before he bulleted past his squad, flying over to the beast and slicing its nape. Quickly getting out of the way as the titan collapses to the ground I fall to my knees panting while gripping my sore chest, landing on the ground Eren ran to my side ''hey you alright? How long was that thing chasing you for? Why didn't you use your gear?'' he quizzed kneeling down to me ''my gas fucking ran out... I nearly died...Fuck..I'm alright though'' I answered looking to the boy, Levi walked over to me crossing his arms whilst clicking his tongue ''quite a show you put on Y/N, though, next time don't be screaming as loud, you'll tear up your throat'' his cold grey eyes piercing into mine as he helped me up. Nodding I stood beside him as the squad gave me a sympathetic look before chatting lightly walking back to the horses.

Biting my lip I walked in an awkward silence with the Captain beside me, I caught him looking from the corner of his eye to me before he leaned over and quickly pecked my cheek. A blush immediately erupted from my cheeks as I look to him raising an eyebrow ''I like you'' I hear him mumble quiet enough for me to hear, nodding I grinned ''I like you too cap''.

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