Father!Levi x Mother!Reader ~ Cockblocked

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Request: Hi there! I'm falling in love with papa Levi! it's just too cute! How about Levi and his wife (the wife being the reader) continuously getting interrupted during kissing and making out and even doing some dirtier stuff if that's okay with you by their son/daughter? Preferably a modern setting but canon verse is fine too! Thank you and please don't stop writing for this blog! Your works make my day!

Hello! I've seen this a few hours before-hand I'm sorry I couldn't get this finished quicker I've had requests come at me from every direction! I'm glad my writing improves your day ^.^

Warnings: Cursing


S/N - son name


S/N 'protecting' me for the first time

I stood at the sink washing the dishes as Levi sat in the living room reading the newspaper, our son S/N playing on the floor with his Power Rangers. The Tv on some kids channel, I hear S/N's voice from the other room play with his figures.

''Oh no! Blue ranger are you okay!? Don't worry! I'll beat the baddies!'' I hear him cheer as I smile softly to myself. I hear shuffling come from the living room and brush it off as S/N running around in there with his toys until a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I look over my shoulder meeting Levi's gaze and I lean back into his chest hearing him growl into my ear while nipping and biting onto my neck. ''Y/N I-'' Levi was cut off by our son's voice ''daddy why are you biting mommy!? you're hurting her!'' S/N calls out to him angry at the thought of someone hurting his mother. I laugh slightly ''it's fine sweetie we're playing'' I explain to the little human standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

''Daddy if I see you hurting mommy again I won't let you watch Power Rangers with me'' he makes up an excuse to get Levi off of me. Levi chuckles ''I can't miss out on Power Rangers now can I? I need to see red ranger kick some shi-'' ''Levi'' I stop him from cursing in front of S/N.

S/N does it again

I lay on the sofa scrolling through Instagram on my phone while football played in the background due to Levi. I hummed to myself liking some of my friend's photos as I scroll down.

I see Levi get up from the corner of my eye, he gently takes my phone putting it on the carpet floor before climbing over me smirking. ''Levi!'' I squeak ''what are you doing?'' I continue, hearing him coo at me ''quiet.. S/N will come bounding down the fucking stairs thinking I'm murdering you or something.. I've already got cock-blocked by my own son I won't let it happen again'' Levi whispers.

Not five seconds later after he said those words I see my son behind him. ''Dad.'' the smaller raven-haired boy says sternly, Levi looks around to him his eyes widening ''I swear I'm not hurting her'' Levi says ''then why are you sitting on her stomach?'' S/N crosses his arms squinting his E/C eyes at his father. ''I- ugh forget it'' Levi says getting off of me and back to his armchair reading the newspaper again.

S/N smiles innocently at me before heading back upstairs.

''At least we know where he gets his protectiveness from'' I laugh as Levi grunts angrily.

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