Dad!Levi x Upset!Mom!Reader ~ Love me

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Request: Hello, can I get a levi x reader where Levi and his s/o have a baby, but the baby is all over Levi and doesn't really acknowledge it's mother and one day Levi's s/o lets petra hold the baby and it calls her mama? Idm what ending you chose have a great day!

This is so upsetti spaghetti

D/N - Daughter Name

Warning: Slight Angst


You had a two-year-old daughter with the love of your life, Levi Ackerman. Even though you had to admit your daughter seemed more interested in her father that didn't falter your love for her. You loved her with all your heart but sometimes she just pretended like you didn't exist, or simply she paid more attention to her father. D/N has even begun to say 'dada!' whenever she saw Levi which he found adorable but you couldn't help but feel a little jealous over the attention he's getting.

Of course, Levi was a very observant man, nothing could slip past his hawk-like grey orbs. Especially when D/N started to completely ignore you and only pay attention to him, he knew it upset you to a great extent but you weren't going to try and get your daughter to at least become more attentive of you, you let her be happy.

Sitting down next to Levi in the mess hall, he bounced D/N up and down on his knee as she squeaked from joy. ''Y/N I'm going to get another cup of tea, hold her for a second will you?'' Levi asked, smiling to him you nodded and set D/N on your lap. She watched Levi get up from beside you and started to whine putting her arms out to him as he pats her head and disappeared to get more tea.

You began to bounce D/N up and down just like Levi but she kept her eyes keen on the kitchen doors, waiting for him to return. ''Hello Y/N, hi D/N'' a chirpy voice called out to you both, looking to where it came from your eyes landed on your friend Petra who smiled gently to you. ''Hey Petra, how are you?'' you asked as she shrugged sitting down across from you ''I'm doing fine Y/N, hows the situation with this little cutie?'' the girl asked as you sighed looking down to D/N.

''Don't think it's getting any better, do you want to hold her?'' you reply earning a gentle nod from the strawberry-blond. Lifting D/N up you placed her on Petra's lap smiling as she cooed to her.

A few minutes passed and now D/N was laying into Petra's chest as you both chat, Levi was walking over with his fresh cup of tea. Hearing his footsteps get closer you snickered at something Petra said, Levi had just arrived and was about to sit down when all three of you froze in shock from something your one-year-old blurted out suddenly.

''I luv my new mummie''

You visibly paled as Petra shook her head at the child ''I'm not your mommy, that's your mom'' she motioned to you. Levi's eyes widened a fraction and he swiftly flicked his gaze to you watching you stand up, blinking away the salty tears that stung your E/C eyes. ''Be right back..'' you muttered before leaving, Levi set his cup down and glanced at Petra internally panicking on what to do. ''Go get her captain, I'll take care of D/N'' Petra reassured him as he nodded before taking off after you.

Striding walking down the corridor you pressed your hand up to your mouth stopping the sobs as tears streaked down your cheeks. 'Why am I such a shitty mother? What did I do wrong! D/N never wanted anything to do with me, Petra would be a better mother... Maybe I should just leave..' you thought frantically as you hurriedly walked to your room. You heard frantic footsteps coming your way at a fast pace making you bite your lip. ''Y/N wait!'' Levi called out from behind you.

Stopping in your place you kept your glossy orbs glued to the stone floor below you, hearing Levi skid to a stop behind you he placed a hand on your shoulder. ''Y/N I know how you feel, we can sort it out with D/N..'' he whispered, sniffling you spin around and dive into his arms, sobbing once again you feel Levi wrap his arms around your smaller frame.

''Y/N come on.. We have to try..'' Levi attempted again, biting your quivering lip you hesitantly nod. ''S-she doesn't want anything to do with me Levi.. B-But I'll try..'' you say lowly. ''You're her mother, she'll warm up to you eventually... it'll take time..'' Levi cooed as you nod.

''Alright then..''

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