Levi x Goddess!Reader ~ Dark Horse

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Song: Dark Horse ~ Katy Perry

Warnings: Cursing

Summary: The Reader is the goddess of life, meaning you can control what lives and what dies when you want to, people have seen you on rare occasions just for a few seconds, they know you are close by when they spot a dark horse near them, but what happens when you meet Levi?

Levi would often sit at his desk looking out his window towards the hills and sunset. That's what he was doing right now, overlooking the sunset but what did catch his attention was a girl sitting beneath a tree, the girl had soft delicate looking hair freely dancing with the breeze accompanied with a small golden tiara with small leaves at the sides perching upwards, your gown was simple, white speckled with gold crystals and gems that trailed your feet as you walked. Levi rubbed his eyes thinking it was his mind playing tricks but when he opened them again you were still there, smiling off to the sunset before a jet black horse galloped over to you, you stood up and began to softly pet the creature. Levi shot up grabbing his jacket and darted out of the base in hopes to catch whoever this mysterious stranger was but when he reached the tree you could not be found, neither could the horse. It was like you both weren't there in the first place.

That's when it all started.

I knew you were

You were gonna come to me

And here you are

But you better choose carefully

You would be in his dreams, the first time he noticed you he grabbed your wrist making you face him ''who the hell are you damn brat?'' he ordered causing your smile to fade lightly ''oh.. my name is Y/N, don't worry Levi I already know you'' you smiled gently at him ''there's no need to be alert you're safe with me'' you started ''I am the goddess of life, therefore I can decide who lives and who passes onto the afterlife. I've been looking over you for a while now since you sparked my interest'' you complimented, his grip loosened for a few seconds before he tightened it again. ''How the hell do I not know this is just some shitty dream?'' Levi demanded causing you to chuckle ''I can prove it to you tomorrow my dear~'' you smirked to him.

I'm capable of anything

And everything

Make me your Aphrodite

Make me your one and only

The next day Levi was out 3D Gear training with the 104th squad in the forest, he was by himself when his wire snapped making him hurdle towards the ground. When he was seconds before hitting it a mysterious black horse appeared catching him on it's back. ''What the fuck!?'' Levi exclaimed before looking down to his repaired gear, his eyes went wide as he looked around quickly to see where the horse came from but he couldn't come up with a solution until a burst of melodic laughter filled the air. ''Oh my sweet Levi! Your face! You poor thing are you okay? I got my companion to catch you'' You laughed to yourself standing next to a tree before walking over to him and helping him off. ''You were from my dream... From last night..'' Levi couldn't understand how you existed or why you protected him out of all people but he was grateful to say the least. ''I'm keeping you alive 'cause I like you, mister you're interesting'' You smiled at him.

But don't make me your enemy

Your enemy

Your enemy

Over a few months you and Levi had bonded, he agreed to this since you were protecting his life and he had to figure out some way to repay you. Over those few months of secretly meeting up outside of HQ and in his dreams, you have gotten so close Levi thought it was time to step it up because of his new feelings he had for you.

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