Levi x Upset!Reader ~ Hey Brother

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Warnings: Violence, angst

Summary: You watch as your younger brother gets ripped apart sending you into hysterics during an expedition


The sounds of hooves and orders filled my ears as I rode with the Scouting Legion out beyond the safety of the walls for another Expedition, we were meant to try and locate nearby villages to find out if there are any remaining survivors. My horse galloped beside my brother's, Charlie was my younger brother, our parents died from a titan attack on our village leaving us to defend ourselves. Charlie and I had an unbreakable bond since the only people that we really did have were each other and some friends, even the Corporal. I look forward watching Levi's horse charge on while his cape flew with the wind before calling out to him ''Corporal what village or town will we be heading to?'' I continue looking at him, Levi turns around to me ''we will be arriving at ( your village name ) by the end of the day since Titans aren't active during the night Erwin informed me earlier we will be keeping shelter in the houses'' Levi nodded at me before turning around.

// 3rd Person \

You look down to your horse's mane lost in thought until your brother Charlie lightly grabbed your arm, shaking you back to reality. You look over to him with a tired looking expression, Charlie only smiles at you in comfort ''hey Y/N don't let the past get to you we were only kids, we couldn't stop what happened to mom and dad'' He spoke, by now the squad had gone silent after hearing Charlie. ''I know but I couldn't help them, brother, you were only 11 while I was fifteen. I can never forget the looks they gave me when I ran with you'' you mumbled noticing Levi looking back at you from the corner of your eyes, you shake your head before continuing '' I lost them I won't lose you too... Even if it means I have to sacrifice myself for you to live your life, then I'll do it'' you stated sternly.

// your P.O.V \

A loud bang accompanied by a smoke signal went off to the right caused me to perk up. I then notice a large figure sprinting our way, Charlie chuckled to himself ''corporal will I attend to this problem?'' Charlie smirked causing me to grin ''fine, but don't go to far..Y/N take his horse'' Levi ordered, I respectively nodded in response, hooking my brother's horse to mine as we continued. I watched as my younger brother dodged the titan's attempts of catching him, a proud feeling swelled in my heart as I continued to watch him with a smile.

That smile didn't last long when the titan snapped its arm behind it grasping Charlie in its hold, my eyes widened as I immediately turned to Levi ''Corporal! I'll help my brother, please!'' I cried out to the man ahead, only getting a silent nod in response. Without hesitation I shot my hooks ahead, speeding off from the group quickly as I made my way to my brother calling out his name watching him hopelessly fight against the Titan's large hand crushing him slowly in a death grip. I had nearly just landed my hooks into the Titan's nape just before I heard a loud crack, snapping my eyes up towards the titan's hand I saw my brother lay silently in the large hands of the beast. It broke his entire spine making Charlie into a floppy mess of meat and flesh, I screamed in horror, tears streaming down my face as the hooks that were implanted in the titan's nape came out. I hurdled towards the ground tears dripping down my face as I hopelessly watched the beast drop Charlie into its mouth soon swallowing him.

Something snapped inside of me the minute the titan swallowed him, I screamed at the beast before viciously shooting my hooks out towards it. As I grew nearer my yells of anger and horror had only worsened as I began to slice and cut every part of the creature, blood splattering out of it completely covering me as I gouge out its eyes, quickly making my way to its arms continuing to ruin them in my raging fury I had taken them both off, seconds later I had deprives it of it's legs then continued up to its nape. I sliced it open causing some blood to fly out onto my face and uniform. I dropped down to the ground completely drenched in a thick scent of titan blood, looking down to the grass with a plain expression.

It wasn't long until I completely broke down, dropping to the ground crying and calling out for my brother to come back, continuously apologizing, my eyes reddened from the tears as I continued to call out to my younger sibling. Horses were heard in the distance, I sat up looking forward seeing Levi and the squad making their way over with concerned expressions, Eren continuously asking if I'm okay. It wasn't long until they arrived, Armin immediately jumping off his horse and ran to me, engulfing me in a hug while Mikasa knelt beside me rubbing circles into my back ''It's alright Y/N.. this gives you more of a reason to beat them and free humanity'' Armin soothed while Mikasa agreed silently before gently pulling me up. Armin had gotten back onto his horse while Mikasa helped me onto mine, I thanked her before rubbing my eyes.

Levi looked at me before sighing ''when we get back, come to my office will you?'' he asked, I nodded and sniffed forcing my head up high to offer him a weary smile.

// Time skip \

I walked down the hallways of HQ, looking down to the stone floor as I arrived outside Levi's office. Raising my hand to it I knocked gently ''State your name and business'' Levi called out from the inside ''It's me Y/N.. You wanted me to come here earlier-'' Not only seconds later the door opened and I was pulled inside. I stood there as the slightly taller raven-haired man held me in a hug, I returned the gesture stuffing my face into his warm shoulder before he motioned for me to sit down with him. ''Things like this happen Y/N... just know you got your friends and superiors here if anything is troubling you I can help out as best I can..'' He soothed softly before softly stroking my cheek with his fingers causing me to burst out in a blush.

''Y/N I don't know if this is the right time but... I like you a lot... No fuck like, I love you'' Levi noticed my expression change to surprised one ''heh.. well I like you too sir.. but are relationships even allowed..?'' I asked he nodded while a grin started making its way onto his handsome face. I smiled before Levi leaned over kissing me sweetly ''there's no need to worry, I got you, we will avenge your little brother I promise'' Levi whispered to me.

''I know we will Levi... I have faith''

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