Cat!Levi x Reader - Hey there kitty

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The sparkling sunlight shimmered in through the curtains, light snores filled the small room. The bed rustled when a body started to shift and awaken, Y/N sat up with a yawn before stretching like a lazy cat. She had been up late last night with Hanji assisting her with some sort of quirky experiment, she didn't know what it was for or about because the mad scientist refused to answer her questions about what it was for. Y/N opened her eyes and looked around, spotting the uniform she just threw across the room the night before. She got up, grabbed the uniform and went inside her bathroom to do her daily routine before she turned up to the mess hall to join Eren and the others in training after.

She made a mental note of things to do before she left her beloved room to start another day in the Survey Corps . 'Alright so I better be quick, I bet I'm a little late than usual but that's alright I can always blame Hanji for making me stay up late '. 

1, Get a shower

2, Get dressed

3, Do hair

4, Brush teeth

'Oh! I almost forgot to think about bringing the corporal some paperwork for him to fill out.. Guess I'll bring those to his office before I go and get grub then! ' she thought as a light blush started appearing on her face just from the thought of him.  Y/N has liked the corporal for a while now the only people that know is Mikasa, Sasha, and Krista. She wouldn't even dare tell Hanji about it only because she knew Hanji wouldn't stop teasing her about it even in front of Levi himself! Plus she would probably start screaming about it in front of everyone.  So she was definitely off the list. Y/N walked out of the bathroom feeling fresh from the shower and made her way to her bedside table to get the papers to bring to the corporal, she left her room and started on her way down the corridor to Levi's office. 'His office is always so clean, so tidy, plus the slight smell of.. bleach? Yeah, the place smelt somewhat like bleach eh he's a clean-freak after all so that's nothing new ' She hadn't realized she was right outside of his door until she walked straight into it with a thud and a loud ' ow! '. 

As soon as those words left my mouth I immediately heard meowing and hissing. 'Sounds like a cat? Wait, that can't be true the corporal would never let an animal into his office or living quarters because they would simply just mess the place up on him ' I frantically thought before opening the door without permission, looking over to his neat desk across the room to see a little black and white cat sitting right in the middle of all the paperwork and quills in their stands staring right back at me with the most annoyed expression I've ever seen. I cautiously walked over to the animal just for it to start hissing at me as I begin to pet it's surprisingly soft ears. As I continue to pet the animal it starts purring and leaning into the palm of my hand.

''Never knew the corporal would've liked cats or any animal apart from his horse of course... Hey little guy, you got a name? You know where your owner went cutie?'' I ask the kitty, it jumped down off the desk and walked over to a door over by the right side of the room and nudged it open showing 'a uniform? Just dumped there? Yeah by the looks of it it is a uniform just dumped here... Wait this is Levi's? He would never just dump his clothes on the floor and walk away, he'd put them away somewhere tidy.. '. The cat sat down in the middle of the pile and picked up Levi's cravat before dropping it on my boots, I look down to it and pick it up inspecting it. I look down to the cat that has once again a bored expression and then back to the cravat and uniform, my eyes go wide a few seconds after realizing that THIS cat could be Levi, maybe Hanji gave him that stuff that we made last night and turned him into a cat. The kitty meowed, concerned after seeing my facial expression change '' I might sound insane but... are you Levi? Like the corporal but you got changed into a cat? '' I paused thinking of some way to make sure if it can confirm it or not before continuing ''If you are him, scratch my arm'' I kneel down to the creature while pulling up my sleeve moving towards it. The cat doesn't hesitate to scratch it harshly, I yelp and fell back holding it before saying '' Could have been a little easier on the scratching.. That actually hurt more than expected.. fuck '' I look down to my arm which has started to pain me before watching the cat making its way towards me with a guilty looking expression before starting to nuzzle and meow at my arm. My face softens into a small smile before petting his ears '' I'm guessing that's some sort of apology well if it is, I accept it I know you didn't mean it to hurt '' I giggle before continuing '' Or did you '' He just hisses in response. I pick up his uniform and fold it before leaving it on the end of his bed, Levi just watches my every move I move over to him and pick him up and head out of his office to bring him to my room. 

I spot Armin and the others and I quickly cover Levi with my jacket, I give Armin a little wave and head into my room. I set Levi on my couch and look at the time, 8pm , I sigh and sit down next to him silently. Levi's tail squishes side to side as he meows at me I turn to him '' Only reason I got you here is because I don't want you alone in your office while you're like this, anyone could walk in and take you thinking you are a stray or somthin' plus I'm tired and cats are fluffy, you're fluffy that mean's you're a teddy so yeah you're coming to bed with me sir '' I say before walking into my room while shouting back out to him to wait for a second while I get changed, after I finished changing I strolled back out, picked up Levi and walked back into my room with him in my arms, half asleep, purring. We settle into bed, snuggling over each other going into a deep slumber.

I awake to the birds chirping their tunes softly and feeling a weight change in the bed, along with an arm wrapped around me. I look over to see the corporal himself in a deep sleep, his hair messed up but he still managed to look good, the thing is he was completely naked that made squeal in surprise and horror having a naked man in my bed. That caused Levi's eyes to shoot open, he sat up and covered himself with the sheets while mumbling curses under his breath. 

'' Eh... Hah..? I'll just get your clothes now sir.. '' I mumble looking to the floor with a red face, he only yawned before replying '' Or you could just stay here? '' now that made my eyes almost bulge out of my skull, I knew he was blunt but I didn't think he was this blunt! I laughed nervously ''You got paperwork to do, plus I gave you more, plus you got training and all that to do with us so I'll just get your stuff '' I tried my hardest to escape this situation but he just refused to even budge. '' Erwin said I had the day off today to rest for the upcoming expedition, what's the point? '' Levi asked while fixing his hair. I just shrugged before leaving and getting his uniform without another word, yes it's true I had feelings for Levi but he never would like me. I'm not pretty like Petra or smart like Hanji I'm just something else completely, I arrived back at my room and walked in. I looked over to the bed to see he wasn't there anymore that sent me into a panic and I shouted his name to see where the hell he was. '' Oi brat what you yelling for, I'd like to keep my hearing thanks, leave my uniform on the bed. Come back in 10 minutes I'd be done by then ''. I just stood there for a moment before giving him a quick okay and leaving to meet up with the others.

// Time skip \\

I walked back into my room and saw Levi fixing up his cravat before turning to me, I gave him a small smile, I noticed he didn't have his jacket so I got his jacket and brought it over to him, I tried handing it to him but instead he grabbed my arm pulling me over against his chest and kissed me right then and there, I quickly melted into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, he pulled on my hair and pulled away before it extended into something else. I stood there and looked over at him '' So.. Are we a thing? '' I asked shyly '' I didn't kiss you for no reason idiot, well, only if you want us to be? ''  Levi questioned, that caused a big smile to plaster across my face and I jumped in to hug him by surprise before squealing Levi laughed lightly before wrapping his arms around me lightly whispering into my ear ''I'll take that as a yes then ''. 

'' You're just too cute lil' kitty ''

'' Don't get cocky on me now Y/N ''

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