Levi x Mute!Reader ~ Speech

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Request: hello^.^ could you write a scenario where levi's s/o is mute because she has stuttering problems so she prefers not to speak since she was bullied for it and when levi is looking for his s/o he goes into his s/o's room and he finds her practicing tongue twisters to help with her stuttering and some fluff,, thank u❣

Warnings: Cursing


You had missed out on training accident today since you were practicing your speech, yes, your speech. As a child, you were bullied for having stuttering problems nearly everyday, your parents would see you run back home tears sliding down your cheeks and it broke their hearts seeing their little princess being bullied because she had some minor problems with her speech. As the years continued you had completely given up on speaking altogether, everyone thought you were properly mute that you couldn't speak at all but you just didn't want to risk your childhood memories re-appearing again.

Levi was patient with you, and he would surely give out hell to anyone who questioned why you never spoke or why you were so quiet.

So here you were now, standing by your bed looking into a small book you had bought recently filled with tongue twisters, small poems and stories to help with your speech. The sunlight cast through the light curtains of your window and filled the room whilst you were mumbling words from the book you held, catching onto some tongue twisters and struggling with others but you were slowly but surely making progress.

// Levi's P.O.V \

I noticed Y/N didn't turn up to breakfast or training so I made a mental note to go and check up on her. That's what I was doing, as I walked down the bright corridors that shimmered from the cleaning I also made the others do earlier.

I arrived outside Y/N's door and gently opened it, peeking in seeing her quietly mumble words and phrases from a small book she held. I coughed lightly catching her attention ''oi why weren't you at training and breakfast, let me guess.. too caught up in reading?'' I asked raising an eyebrow letting myself inside her room. She nodded slightly ''I-I was j-just practicing w-with some s-speech..'' Y/N answered looking to the window, I tilted my head to the side ''so you do speak hm?'' I ask sitting down on her chair, trying to make eye contact which she avoided. ''I-I'm not really g-good w-with my s-speech, I-I a-always s-stutter..'' the girl lets out a sigh ''I w-was b-bulli-bullied for it w-when I was y-younger...'' Y/N continues, my gaze softens on her.

// Your P.O.V \

I watch as his gaze softens on me, I sit down on the edge of my bed shoulders slumped gazing down to the little book. Levi noticed my mood change and appeared by my side wrapping his arms around me while he leaned into my shoulder resting his forehead against it. ''You shouldn't stop talking just because you stutter Y/N it will improve the more you talk and I doubt anyone would take the piss out of you for stuttering'' Levi whispered as he started to continuously peck my neck and shoulder in kisses. I smiled at him ''y-you think?'' I asked closing the book, Levi nodded and gently laid down with me ''yeah and if I ever did find out someone was talking shit to you they would be on stable duty for months'' He chuckles making me laugh lightly. ''O-okay then I-I'll d-do it..'' I smile at him and kiss his cheek.

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