Levi x Mourning!Reader ~ Be Alright

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Warning: Angst, Cursing, Blood involvement

Summary: You and Levi are walking through your home city when somehow titans breach the wall, you eventually find your only family member, your mother crushed under some rubble and eaten

D/N - District Name

Inspired by: Eren's mother's death ( that sounds so bad lmao )


The sun shone down brightly onto the district of D/N, clouds grazed the bright blue sky as birds flew freely across it. Walking through the markets beside your boyfriend Levi Ackerman you glanced through all the stalls. ''Are you going to get that bread for your mother? You said you'll pick one up for her before we visit'' Levi said from beside you as you looked over the different pieces of bread and pastries you nodded humming silently, picking up a loaf of fresh bread you gave the cashier the money and popped the loaf into a bag. Looking to your lover you gave him a warm smile as you both continued on your day off, in civilian clothes you and Levi decided to spend the day out.

You both were in the middle of a conversation when a very loud boom went off from behind you, spinning around you notice the gates to D/N have been blown open and now titans were pouring in.

The ruble and large boulders from the wall went flying across the sky crushing anything it landed on. Gasping wide-eyed you looked at the now large hole in the wall ''th-they got in..'' you mumble, Levi's shocked gaze flickered to you reaching over to grab your wrist ''Y/N we have to go now!'' he called to you over the screams of the people who ran away from the invading titans. Slowly inching forward you didn't even bother looking back to him ''m-my house is that way..'' you say frightened ''my m-mom is by herself..'' you continue, Levi's eyes widen an inch after hearing you say that. ''Y/N we can't go that way we have to leave now!'' Levi said watching you slowly inch towards the area where the titans got in before you set off in a sprint. ''Y/N!'' Levi screamed to you taking off after you.

Running and dodging past the people who scurried by you-you didn't care about the screams of terror by everyone else. 'Mom.. come on please be alright... come on... the house is fine.. the house is alright.. she's alright' you frantically thought to yourself ignoring the calls and shouts from Levi to you. Turning a sharp corner you looked up the street where your nice and cozy house would be situated, the roof was collapsed and a large boulder was now laying on it. Screaming you soon arrived spotting your mother underneath a wooden banister ''mom!'' you cried out dropping to your knees next to her.

''Y-Y/N...'' she said painfully noticing Levi sprint up towards you both he soon arrived standing there slightly panicking, dropping the bag of bread for your mother you stood up trying to get a good grip on the banister ''Levi! Help me pull this up!'' you panicked at your mother laying there groaning from pain. Levi got a hold of the other end and began to try to lift it whilst stringing out curses quietly. ''Mom it's gonna be alright! Don't worry we'll get you out! Right Levi?'' your gaze flickered to your lover who returned it in a sympathetic expression trying to haul the wooden banister up.

Hearing a loud thud your breath hitched in your throat as you looked up seeing that the titans were getting closer. ''Nononono! Come on stupid piece of shit! Lift!'' you cried out to the wood. You snapped your orbs to Levi ''Come on we have to hurry!'' you yelp. ''Fuck.. I'm trying Y/N.. Shitty thing won't budge!'' Levi responded once again trying to lift it even with the weight of the boulder on top. ''No... it's them.. you both have to get out of here'' your mother said to you and Levi. Her gaze flicked to Levi as she shot him a pleading look ''Levi.. Take Y/N and run! Go!'' your mother tried, Levi stubbornly shook his head not uttering a word as you both hopelessly tried to lift the heavy object. ''Mom I need you to get up! I need you to be alright! You're going to be fine!'' you shouted back as tears started to prick at the corner of your eyes. ''Darling listen to me.. my legs have been crushed.. so has my hips... even if you both do get me out I can't run... I'll be dead weight!'' she said to you as you bit your lip from the pain in your hands ''There's no time'' she said blankly to the ground with a hint of fear in her voice. ''No! We can carry you! You'll be fine! Come on!'' tears streaked down your cheeks as you tried to convince your mother to agree, Levi glanced down to his hands seeing some splinters and blood drip from them.

''Can you just shut up and fucking listen to me for once in your life Y/N!'' your mother screamed up to you ''I'm only asking you to do one thing! One damn thing! Levi make her!'' she begged as a titan began walking down the street slowly. ''I-I can't'' Levi grunted looking to the titan mentally begging it to piss off knowing exactly what will happen in mere minutes. ''Y/N do you want all three of us to die? You both a have your lives to live now go!'' You're mother shot back to you.

Levi glanced back to you and your mother who were shouting at each other in panic before his grey orbs flicked back up to the titan who was nearly at the house ''Y/N this can't be lifted!'' he said to you, you continuously shook your head ''no Levi we have to! I can't leave her here!'' you cried, shaking his head Levi let go of his end walking over to you and throwing your smaller form over his shoulder, looking down to your mother he cast a sorrowful gaze to her ''I'm sorry..'' he said before taking off the opposite way. Screaming whilst looking back to her you started to try hit his back ''LEVI! PUT ME DOWN! NOW! PUT ME DOWN!'' you screamed in horror. You watched your mother as you cried and fought against Levi's grip on you. ''Protect her!'' your mother shouted to Levi watching him carry you away.

You weakly hit his back trying anything you could do ''WAIT! NO LEVI STOP! WE CAN'T LEAVE HER THERE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!'' you continued as tears trickled to the ground. ''I love you! You hear me Y/N?! Stay alive!'' she called to you as you failed to escape Levi's grip. ''Y/N we can't save her!'' he said to you, you swore you could feel your stomach drop when the titan finally reached her and began to dig through the rubble, eventually lifting her up out of it as she weakly fought against its large hands. ''NO! STOP! STOP IT!'' you screamed to the beast watching as it rose your last struggling family member to its mouth.

You notice Levi looking over his shoulder to your mother as you both watch her try to hit and punch its hand, the beast raised it's other hand wrapping it around her form and snapped her back. ''NO!'' you scream to it noticing her limp body in front of its mouth. ''MOM!'' you yell as Levi turned his head back facing forward, quietly thinking over your mother's words to him.

'Protect her'

Levi would do that until the day he died, he would make sure of it.

Soon enough you felt and saw blood splatter everywhere, a large bit of it landing on your cheek and at the back of Levi's head even in front of you. Turning around you looked to Levi, he glanced to you not faltering his speed as he ran to the horses.

// Time Skip \

You walked into the mess hall followed by Mikasa with the usual tired expression, losing the last family member you had took a toll on you and everyone knew what happened so they tried not to push you too far but you were getting better, slowly. Getting your food you kept your distant looking gaze to it as you arrived at your friend's table.

You took your space in between Mikasa and Sasha, opposite you was Eren at the right, in middle was Armin and then Jean.

''Hey Y/N how are you feeling?'' Armin offered a gentle smile, looking up to him your gaze softened ''I'm doing fine..'' you mumble and start to eat your dinner. ''Didn't get that much sleep last night huh?'' Eren asked, shaking your head you met his gaze. ''I'm starting to get more sleep but I still do get the nightmares..'' you mutter as the boy nods in understanding. ''They won't last forever... You'll be alright, this gives you another reason to slaughter those disgusting beasts'' Eren continued, smiling you nod at the thought of avenging your mother. ''Here we go again..'' Jean snickered, Eren sent him a glare.

// Levi's P.O.V \

I sat quietly drinking my tea as I watch Y/N eat her dinner with her comrades, not long before Jean and Jaeger begin fighting making me sigh from annoyance and click my tongue. I feel someone lean closer to me, looking to my left I see Hanji smiling sadly ''how's Y/N been?'' she asks, putting down my cup I glance back over to the scientist. ''She's getting better.. slowly..But she'll never forget what happened'' I say as Hanji nods in agreement ''her mood has improved anyway! She's actually eating and talking now!'' she grins making me nod.

''She'll be alright..''

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