Headcanon #24

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Request: Headcanons or whatever you feel abt everyone (hanji and the cadets) trying to set the reader up with levi for months / years unsuccessfully and Erwin walks past and is like you guys do know they have been engaged for a year and dating for almost 3 right? Or something like that? Thankyou! I love your writing! Dont forget to take care of yourself!!

I did this as a hc since I thought it would fit better ^,^

Warning: None


¬ Hanji and your friends were determined to get Levi and you together

¬ Of course some people would catch the both of you glancing the other ones way every now and then

¬ Hanji also noticed the way Levi went a little softer on you when combat training rolled around

¬ ''You sure you don't have feelings for her shorty?''

¬ ''Tch shut it Hanji, the rumors are bad enough''

¬ Hanji will not give up though

¬ There's no stopping this woman or your friends

¬ Expect a lot of questions and teasing in the girl's dorm at night

¬ ''So Y/N how's Levi in bed?''

¬ ''Ymir don't even start or else I'll punch you''

¬ When morning arrives you are casually walking through the corridors to the mess hall

¬ Along with being crowded by more than ten females eager to hear juicy secrets

¬ The boys even started to follow you around and question you

¬ You could walk past Levi and Erwin and have nearly twenty people following you like paparazzi

¬ ''Would they ever leave her the fuck alone?''

¬ ''Are you jealous Levi?''

¬ ''Me? Jealous? What are you saying eyebrows?''

¬ The group finally leaves you alone as Levi and Erwin walk over to them

¬ Levi simply walks past the group leaving Erwin with them to catch up with you

¬ ''You all know Levi and Y/N are engaged right? They've been together for three years''

¬ You could hear violent screeching and excited cries from your friends

¬ R.I.P Erwin's hearing

¬ Hanji just starts crying while exclaiming how proud she is of you

¬ ''Have they been asking you about us all day?''

¬ ''Yep''

Love One Another - Levi x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now