Levi x Drunk!Reader ~ Go to Bed

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Request: Hihi!! I've recently discovered your tumblr and I love your writing 💕 I was wondering if you're still taking requests? If so, could I request a story where reader is a lightweight and decides to go drinking and gets unbelievably drunk and Levi takes care of her? Super fluff please 😚

Thank you~! You're so sweet~

Warning: Cursing


Gripping onto Hanji's jacket you sloppily gave her a smile, eyes dazed and voice slurred you had gotten incredibly drunk from Hanji bringing you out for a drink and a night to catch up. The elder woman did have a tolerance to alcohol compared to you as you both trudged through the building.

Arms around your shoulders Hanji helped support your weight as you both travelled down the empty corridor, it was 12:26 in the morning and most people were asleep apart from higher-ups which were doing paperwork or other things. Low humming turned to loud singing in a matter of minutes due to your drunken state.

"It's raining men!

Hallelujah it's raining men~!"

Your wonderful singing was cut off by a click of a tongue, snapping your gaze up you smiled excitedly at Levi who stood there arms crossed not looking one bit impressed. Hanji laughed lightly and let go of you, stumbling over to Levi you sling an arm over his shoulders and pointed to him facing Hanji.

"H-Hanji! Di-Did you know! Levi has a professional at eating me ou-" You were cut off by Levi who growled and send you a glare. "What was that Y/N?" Hanji chirped, the drink starting to kick in now. Ready to reply to the scientist Levi took a hold of your wrist. "We're going, Hanji you take care of yourself and tomorrow I'll be asking you why you got Y/N drunk" Levi snarled to the brunette who snickered like a school girl.

"A-Alright bye shorty! Night Y/N~!" Hanji grinned as Levi brought you back to his office. Slumping on the sofa you flung your head back and groaned, Levi frowned in annoyance. "I should probably just knock you out so you don't cause much trouble" he said as you violently shook your head.

Fun fact: If you were drunk Levi would knock you out so you don't cause any trouble

"N-no I'll be good I swear!" you pleaded as he returned to his desk. "Then go to bed" Levi said plainly, sighing you pouted as Levi shot you a questioning look.

That's until you started crying.

"O-Oi why are you crying?" Levi furrowed his eyebrows watching you sniffle and sob. "Y-You want to get rid of me!" you exclaim as he pinches the bridge of his nose "no I don't, if you really want to act like a spoiled little shit then go to bed and I'll be in there in a minute, I need to finish something" Levi perked an eyebrow as you thought about hi offer. "No lie?" you asked innocently, shaking his head Levi looked down to the papers on his desk "I wouldn't lie to you, now get in there and I'll be joining you in a second" Levi cooed again as you hopped up and went into his bedroom.

Throwing off your straps, jacket and boots you crawled in under the soft white sheets that awaited you, laying on your side you closed your eyes relaxing in the comfortable bed. Not ten minutes later you heard the door creak open, silent footsteps tapped along the wooden floor as Levi sat at the end of his bed. Looked over his shoulder to your form he flickered his gaze back to his boots and continued taking them off. Undoing his cravat he put it aside before slipping out of his straps.

Whisking up the blanket Levi got in next to you, lowering the blanket back onto him as he cuddled up into your back. Draping an arm over you he nuzzled his face into your neck.

"Love you drunk brat.. "

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