BirthdayBoy!Levi x Reader ~ Happy Birthday!

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Warnings: Cursing


// Levi's P.O.V \

I just got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around myself walking over to my wardrobe I got out another uniform along with a cravat. It's Christmas morning also my birthday so Eyebrows gave us the day off, as I continued to dry myself off and get dressed I heard a noise accompanied by a light curse coming from my office making me frown visibly. 'why the fuck is someone in my office without permission?' I thought angrily before quickly putting my dirty clothes in the washing basket and appearing in my office with a scowl on my face, to my surprise nobody was in the office.

'what? I just heard someone here..' I said to myself mentally making my way to my neat desk where a small pile of paperwork lay. And a box? I picked up the box carefully inspecting it before opening it finding black tea inside! 'Who managed to get this? It's so rare and expensive!' I was baffled as I sat down behind my desk, eventually finding a little note on the inside of the box 'Happy Birthday Corporal! Hope you have a good day! ~ Y/N' I sighed, smiling lightly because of Y/N's actions. I opened a drawer to my desk putting the box inside and I started to work on the few remaining pages of paperwork.

Finishing them off earlier than I expected I checked the clock and saw that dinner was going to start in five minutes for the remaining soldiers who can't or don't have families to return to for Christmas, I neatly piled the pages back up leaving them at the side of my desk then I began a small journey to the mess hall. Opening the doors to it with a blank expression I didn't expect to see the mess hall somewhat nearly full. I rolled my eyes before seeing Y/N surprisingly sitting with her friends in a small group huddled in the corner laughing and giggling to themselves 'tch.. girls..' I got my tea and some food and sat down with the other superiors. ''Hi Levi! Happy Birthday!!'' Hanji squealed to me '' shut it four eyes'' I snarled to her before starting to eat silently.

// Your P.O.V \

I was huddled up in a group with the girls, I don't know how they convinced me to do this but they managed and now we were currently giggling and talking about our crushes. I spotted the Corporal walk in just a few minutes ago ' I wonder if he liked the present I got him?' I smiled to myself ''oh! by the way! Y/N do you think the Corporal likes your birthday present to him?'' Christa piped happily in my direction, I shrugged ''well it is really expensive and rare so I think he'd be somewhat happy with it I hope'' I replied before standing up stretching lightly. ''Well I'm going to get a nap I'll see you guys later I guess'' I told them before walking away.

I was almost at my room when I heard something come from the inside, I raised an eyebrow curiously before opening the door walking inside seeing Levi sitting on the end of my bed. ''O-Oh corporal hi! You need something?'' I asked shyly taking off my jacket and leaving it on a chair next to my bed ''I just wanted to say thank you for the gift earlier Y/N'' Levi stated ''Don't tell me you had to steal it from someone did you?'' he asked causing me to laugh lightly ''nope, I told my parents it was your birthday so they sent me money so I could get it, plus I know the shopkeeper so I got a discount'' I smiled. Levi stood up from my bed dusting himself down lightly before walking over to me and pecking my cheek ''thanks again brat'' He smirked before walking out.

I stood there, red painted over my cheeks as I tried to comprehend what happened. I turned around looking towards the door grinning ''teasing me? It's on Levi~'' I told myself.

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