Levi x Traitor!Reader ~ The One That Got Away

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A/N: I finally got another idea for the traitor reader scenario thing lmao

Summary: You work in the Survey Corps and you are sided with Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt. What happens when Levi and the others find out and try corner you?

Warning: Cursing, Slight Angst, Violence


You were out shopping in wall Rose, at the markets shopping for groceries and to also clear your mind from recent events. Smiling to the cashier as you handed them the money due you paid them, got your bag of stuff and walked off.

// Flashback \

You watched hopelessly as your dear friend Annie tried to quickly climb the wall in her titan form, silently wanting to go over and help her escape from most likely death.''She's heading up the wall!'' Jean calls out ''She's trying to escape'' Hanji adds as you watch Eren cling to her legs. You wanted to help Annie but if you were to transform you would blow away your position, plus you are surrounded by highly trained soldiers. Annie kicked Eren off her but Eren took off one of her legs in the process, falling to the ground clutching her leg ''no, no no! We can't let her get away!'' Armin panicked as you stood there in silence.

You watched Mikasa fly off ''I won't let her!'' she shouted heading up towards the large figure, Mikasa relentlessly slices off Annie's fingers ending up in her hurtling to the ground. ''She got her!'' Hanji cried out making you pale slightly, feeling a presence behind you looking over your shoulder seeing your boyfriend Levi with his 3DM Gear walking down the rooftop towards you and Hanji.''Erwi-'' Levi was cut off when a vicious roar erupted, Eren, in his titan form darted past the group as he pounced on Annie.

Teeth razor sharp he started hitting her and ended up ripping one of her arms off, slowly lowering his jaws to her nape ''Uh! Oh no he's going to devour her whole!'' Hanji cried out ''Eren back off!'' Jean shouted to him ''Eren! Get off of her!'' You screamed at him in anger. Eren ignored everyone's calls and ripped open her nape staring down at Annie.

She was crying.

''Huh? What's he doing?'' Hanji asked leaning forward before bright blue light appeared, coving your face with your arm you watched on. ''They're merging?!'' Armin asked in shock ''wait what!?'' you said in surprise. Eren roared trying to get away as Annie encased herself in a crystal slowly. ''Stop it Eren!'' Mikasa called out to him dropping to the ground, Levi shot off towards the two titans and simply sliced Eren out ''It's not a good idea to eat our key evidence, you idiot'' Levi said to the younger boy who hanged out of the titan carcass.

This was it

Annie lost.

// End of Flashback \

Walking through the streets of wall Rose you hummed quietly to yourself until something grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a dark alley. Yelping you turned to face Levi ''w-what was that for!? Why are you here? And most important why are you stalking me Levi?'' you shrieked in an annoyed tone, Levi shook his head ''come back to HQ Y/N it's dangerous out here'' Levi stared into your eyes as your eyebrows furrowed.

''No it's not dangerous, Levi what's up with you?'' you asked looking to your boyfriend who had glanced behind you. ''Oi Levi?'' you say, he clicks his tongue ''Y/N go back to HQ now'' you could tell he was losing his patience at something.. but what?? ''Why? you're telling me to go back for no reason, jeez chill.. you're acting possessive'' you roll your eyes getting annoyed at the male. Sensing a presence behind you-you turned facing Hanji who was frowning towards you. Raising an eyebrow both ends of the alleyway had been blocked off by your boyfriend and your best friend.

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