Levi x Fem!Reader ~ Hallway Confessions

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Warnings: Cursing, make out session

Summary: Levi overhears Y/N gushing about her crush on him, he confronts her after dinner


// 3rd Person \

You sat surrounded by your friends and comrades at your table, it was dinner time in the HQ and the mess hall was filled with a lively atmosphere from friends chatting and laughing to Jean and Eren yelling at each other like there was no end, your table was situated near to the higher-ups in case Eren and Jean got physical when fighting. You were in a comfortable conversation with Christa one of your closest friends in the military apart from Sasha and Hanji. You were both joking and chatting about relationships, crushes, and topics related to the one you were both discussing now. ''Well Christa I think you and Ymir are a very cute power couple~'' you giggled to her making her face turn bright pink from embarrassment ''I've noticed you have your eye on someone too Y/N! You like the corporal don't you?'' she smiled to you, you nodded slightly before Sasha nearly leaped across the table, a piece of bread hanging from the girl's mouth ''You like the corporal!? How come you didn't tell me!'' Sasha whined to you causing you to chuckle and shrug ''maybe because I knew you would shout it loud enough for him to hear'' you teased taking a sip of your water before putting it back down onto the table in front of you. ''So Y/N why do you like him? Anything in particular?'' Christa questioned sitting back in her chair to get comfortable, you hummed in approval. ''Oh! Y/N tell us! Please! I want to hear some juicy details!'' Sasha exclaimed smirking your way. ''W-well.. I find him extremely attractive, he may seem to be cold and careless maybe even rude but he's human just like us, he would care about some people. P-plus have you seen him yesterday? during training? He was shirtless and I almost lost my sanity when I witnessed that gorgeous sight'' You smiled to yourself resting your chin on the palm of your hand as you leaned onto the table staring off into space.

// Levi's P.O.V \

I sat surrounded by squad leaders, Erwin and Hanji. She was blabbering about those shitty titans of hers again, not paying attention I picked up my cup of black tea by the rim and brought it to my lips sipping it before placing it back down onto the table. I began to scan the room of the cadets who were being annoyingly too loud, my grey eyes landing on the table next to ours, Y/N's and her friends' table. Watching the group of cadets chat and glaring at Eren and Jean who were bickering again like idiots, Eren caught my gaze then told the other idiot about me glaring at them. This caused them both to stop and chat with others in peace, my eyes landed on Y/N's form. I let my eyes trail up and down her form watching her every move until she let out a burst of angelic laughter, music to my ears. Since our tables were situated so close to each other I heard the conversation she was having with that Christa kid. ''W-well.. I find him extremely attractive, he may seem to be cold and careless maybe even rude but he's human just like us, he would care about some people''. I smirk lightly to myself before taking another sip of my tea hearing her continue ''P-plus have you seen him yesterday? during training? He was shirtless and I almost lost my sanity when I witnessed that gorgeous sight'' This made me almost choke on my tea, I sat up abruptly while putting my cup down looking to her again, only to be caught looking by Christa. 'Shit, the other brat caught me, fair play Levi you just dug your own fucking grave' I mentally scolded myself.

// Your P.O.V \

Christa leaned in towards my ear ''I just caught the corporal staring at you Y/N~''the smaller girl teased making me go red in the face before she continued ''I'll nudge you if I catch him looking again okay?'' I nodded and began to join in everyone else's conversations. A few minutes later I felt a light nudge at my boot, I nodded lightly as I begun to 'look around the mess hall out of boredom' until my eyes landed on the Corporal catching him in the act then watching him look away like he wasn't even looking at me making me smirk at my little victory.

// Time Skip - After Dinner \\

I got up from my seat, leaving my food tray in the kitchen then walking out making my way through a shortcut people rarely used, maybe because it looked spooky? I don't know. I walked while humming quietly to myself getting lost in thought as I passed multiple windows revealing the clear night sky, stars twinkling and the moon shining in brightly through the glass. I didn't notice someone calling out my name until I heard a very loud holler from someone loudly shouting it, I turn around seeing Levi making his way to me. I saluted quickly but he waved it off ''I wanted to talk to you cadet'' He started ''o-oh? I-I'm not in trouble now a-am I? I stuttered nervously scared of punishment, he chuckled lightly ''why the hell would I punish you for nothing? Anyways I overheard your conversation with your friends earlier, due to Braus shouting loudly catching my attention''. I knew where was going already and I mentally prepared myself to get rejected while I fidgeted nervously with my sleeve, Levi looked down to me, his gaze piercing mine like a blade at a thread. ''You have feelings for me?'' Levi questioned raising his eyebrow slightly ''I-I.. uhm.. y-yes sir I do..'' I mumbled loud enough for him to hear, keeping my gaze on the floor below us.

What I didn't expect was for surprisingly soft fingers to lift up my chin making me looking towards Levi, the moon shined in his grey eyes ''I can return the feelings Y/N..'' Levi whispered to me. Mere seconds later I felt his soft lips being laid onto mine I could taste the black tea from his mouth as his tongue slipped into my mouth, his hands gently cupping my face as Levi leaned down to kiss me. I melted into the kiss and tangled my hands in his neatly combed raven hair, feeling his newly cut under-cut made me tug on his hair gently. Pulling him closer so our chests were touching, he removed his mouth from mine and began to work on my neck nibbling, licking and sucking on some spots making me squeak as Levi slowly moved us back beside the window. The moonlight shining down onto us like an angelic light as he held me against the wall, my legs wrapped around his waist while he rested his hands on my hips, squeezing them from time to time. Levi dug his face into the crook of my neck, sucking on the soft skin making marks here and there while I failed many times to contain my moans. His hot breath and biting on my neck drove me wild as I threw my head back against the wall, laying my head against the wall completely losing the power of the situation I couldn't care less since Levi was the one doing this to me after all.

Our little-heated session didn't last very long when I heard Hanji squealing from down the corridor. ''Oh my goodness! Y/N get some! Thing's getting spicey up in here!'' She exclaimed carelessly before disappearing seconds later. I looked to Levi slightly confused resulting in him rolling his eyes annoyed at Hanji for ruining everything before he smirked deviously towards me ''why don't we bring this to my office hm?'' Levi suggested I nodded quickly resulting in him carrying me to his office making me giggle lightly.

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