Levi x Reckless!Reader ~ Little Brat

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Request: Imagine Levi pulling the reader aside after an exp because he's angry with her that she keeps running off ahead when she's supposed to stay beside him at all times because he worries greatly that her recklessness will get her killed one day.

Warning: Cursing


// Flashback \

You grinned widely as you commanded your horse to go full speed ahead, quickly separating yourself from your squad and your boyfriend Levi to catch up with an abnormal titan which was making its way towards your group. ''Come on boy! Let's get this big guy and show em who's boss!'' you cheered out to your horse who neighed, you could hear the shouts from your squad which you were distancing yourself from, ignoring their calls for you. ''Y/N GET THE FUCK BACK HERE! I DID NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO TAKE ON THAT FUCKING TITAN!'' Levi roared angrily while you were too busy, focused on the beast in front of you.

You shot your wires upwards going sky high while smiling to yourself, flying around to the back of the abnormals neck and quickly killing it by the nape. Landed on the ground gently your horse appeared beside you waiting for you to hop back onto it's back. Making your way back to your squad with a smile as if nothing happened, continuing on your expedition.

// Current Time \

The Scouting Legion had arrived back at the gates, little to no deaths and some minor injuries. People cheered happily seeing their loved ones return, gently waving to your family who you noticed quite quickly you blew kisses to your mother playfully, riding your horse beside Levi's. The content look on your parents face seeing you ride alongside your boyfriend made their hearts swell. ''I'll be home for dinner mom! And I'll bring Mr.GrumpyPants with me! Love you!'' You call out to them while motioning to Levi beside you before following the scouts in front leading you eventually to the HQ.

You waited until everyone had put their horses away in the stables not wanting to get squished or knock someone over. The last person was walking back out and into the HQ, you started to walk your horse into the stables and quickly shut the door behind you when someone abruptly pinned you against the wooden wall making your eyes go wide. Noticing a male figure your womanly instincts kicked in and you knee'd their privates roughly. The mysterious stranger groaned in pain falling to their knees hunched over, looking down you noticed it as Levi? Holy shit it was Levi! You just knee'd him in the balls without mercy!

''Oh my god Levi I'm sorry! I didn't know it was you I swear!'' You exclaimed dropping down beside your lover ''Baby I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I would never hurt you!'' tears pricked at the corner of your eyes from panic as he continued to groan in pain ''It's- fine.. damn brat..'' He groaned not lifting his head from the ground. You wrapped your arms around him ''I'm a fucking idiot I'm sorry'' you continued to apologize helping him up. ''Why do you keep running off by yourself during an expedition you idiot it would get you killed one day... Y/N you have to stay with us or else you will die!'' Levi snarled ''But bloody hell are you lucky your my girlfriend or else you would have been in a worse situation..'' Levi groaned looking at you.

''One of these days your recklessness will be the end of you Y/N.. that and you being too fucking eager to kill titans'' Levi finished brushing himself off ''I know but Levi I swear I will stay with you and the others from now on'' you smiled to him ''your promise?'' Levi smirked ''cross my heart and hope to die! I promise'' You giggled. ''By the way, mom's making dinner later you coming?'' You asked petting the head of your horse which was watching you both interact ''sure.. after all your mother's cooking is always delicious'' Levi complimented fixing his cravat, a small smile tugging at his lips.

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