Levi x Deaf!Reader ~ Hear me

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Request: heyy so i got inspired by the levi telling his s/o that he loves her for the first time,, could you write something like that but the reader is deaf and when builds something to help her hear the first thing she hears is levi whispering in her ear that he loves her and she starts balling her eyes out

Warnings: Cursing


You and your good friend Hanji had been working on this project secretly for months, for you to regain your hearing and so far it was going great. It was a little piece you would place in your ears and you would be able to hear some things but not everything.

Hanji handed you the small devices and you slipped them in your ear, hearing everything as clear as the bright blue skies outside. You covered your mouth with your hand and let out a sob ''Y/N what is it? Is it not working?'' the scientist asked, you shook our head ''Hanji I can hear everything as clear as day! It's not like I was deaf in the first place'' you screech happily whilst wrapping your arms around her neck.

Hanji smiled with joy, finished helping you regain your hearing made her extremely happy as she hugged you back ''we did it!'' she cheered while you laughed sitting back down. ''We sure did, thank you for helping me Hanji'' you gratefully thank the female who nods at you grinning. ''Oh you should visit Levi! I'm sure he'll be pleased to hear about your hearing!'' she says clasping her hands behind her back in a fit of giggles. ''You sure?'' you ask nervously, Levi and you were on good terms he let you stay in his office while he did paperwork and you two would get along quite nicely. ''Of course Y/N now go get him tiger!'' Hanji encouraged while making a growling noise playfully

You nodded at Hanji before saying thanks once again and leaving, walking down the hallway eager to tell the corporal about your new device that let you hear.

Once you arrived in his office you saw Levi standing at his window his arms crossed over his chest as he gazed down to the training grounds, a little light shining over him due to the scorching sun. Hearing someone enter he turned and nodded softly towards you, you sat down in the chair in front of his large desk you let out a sigh of relief.

Lost in thought of what you were going to say you failed to catch Levi walking behind you and starting to lightly massage your shoulders, humming softly you smiled to yourself relaxing in the chair while he massaged you.

Levi didn't notice the device in either of your ears and leaned down to your ear whispering ''I love you, you little shit'' your eyes widened. Levi sat down at his desk finally seeing your face he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. You began to cry, head hanging low as you bawl your eyes out, covering your mouth to stop the muffled sobs.

Levi shot up, concern painted on his face ''Le-Levi I got my hearing back.. Hanji helped me.. Hearing you say that...'' you cry from happiness as Levi's eyes soften at you. ''I love you too'' you sob smiling to the male across from you, he released a sigh ''god.. I thought you were going to call me some pervert or some shit'' he laughed lightly, you snickered wiping your eyes with the hem of your sleeves.

Levi leaned across the desk and placed a soft kiss to your lips before pulling back. You kissed him back, grateful for how your life flipped into something way better.

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