Levi x Memer!Reader ~ Hit or Miss ( Crackfic )

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Request: Ok ok, can you write a scenerio about a cadet, ,girl, who's like 15 years old, who like quotes memes and dances to shit, how does levi feel about that?, it's still in the same universe as in the anime, not a different au, omg please I love you♡♡

A/N: This is a crackfic

Warning: Dead memes, cursing


You were the meme queen, the unbeatable and fierce meme queen. You were known for the funny and strange quotes you'd randomly blurt out and even though for your careless and fun personality you were as powerful as Annie and Mikasa put together, that was fucking strong at shit.

// Levi's P.O.V \

I barked at the cadets to run laps, as they begun I turned and started chatting to Erwin until he suddenly stopped talking a few minutes later. ''Oi you even listening?'' I ask the taller man as he motions forward, drifting my gaze to the direction where he motioned to I've never felt so concerned in my fucking life.

The 104th cadets were running, bending over with their arms pointing upwards from behind them. Y/N leading the group as they ran their laps ''NARUTO RUN MY CHILDREN!'' she called out to them as they continued. ''What the actual fuck?'' I looked to Erwin as he chuckles ''Y/N seems to make everything fun when it comes to training'' he comments, sighing I nod slightly.

// Time Skip \

It's dinner and there's no sign of Y/N and her group of friends, I sip my tea waiting impatiently for them brats to appear and get something to fucking eat. Pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration I grumble. ''What's up Levi?'' Hanji asks eating her bread ''Y/N and her gang haven't appeared for dinner yet-'' Just as I say that the doors to the mess hall slam open, snapping my head over in the direction I see Y/N and the cadets casually walk into the mess hall, not doing anything suspicious.

A couple of minutes later I hear laughter, darting my gaze to wherever it's coming from I'm not one bit surprised when it comes from Y/N's group. She holds up an empty bottle of water and tosses it into the bin whilst shouting ''YEET!''. Furrowing my eyebrows at her I hear Hanji giggles from beside me, sending her a scowl I continue to watch over Y/N's table.

I notice Y/N climbing up onto the table as my eyes widen slightly ''what the fuck is she doing?!'' I nearly spit out my tea as her friends start singing some 'hit or miss' song as Y/N does the orange justice dance.

''HiT or mIsS I GuEsS ThEY NeVeR MISs HuH!?'' she sings doing the weird dance moves. ''YoU GoT a bOYfRiEnD I BeT He dOeSn't kIsS yA!'' she continues as I glare at her 'what the actual fuck is going on inside her head...?' I thought watching her dance like a drunken old man.

Y/N finishes her little concert with a dab, cringing inwardly I roll my eyes at the group's childish behavior. 

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