Headcanon #1

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  Request:  Imagine Levi being severely overprotective after the 57th expedition and constantly trains his s/o other hard so she's strong enough to protect herself if he's not there to save her (because he doesn't want to lose her too)  

Warnings: None


¬ After the 57th Expedition, you both are tired out mentally

¬ So you both decide to cuddle for a few days

¬ Doesn't last long tbh

¬You wake up to Levi shaking your shoulder telling you to get changed then meeting him in the training fields

¬Confused, you shrug to yourself before meeting him down there a few minutes later

¬Well aren't you in for some ride?

¬Levi wakes you up early every morning training you for hours, sparring, practicing with your gear

¬You've never been more worn out in your entire life

¬Your stamina and skills increase rapidly yet you are extremely tired, your muscles aching and your head left feeling hazy

¬It got to the point where you had to sprint laps during the night

¬''Levi can we stop for a break..please..''

¬''We can't Y/N''

¬Two or three months pass and he starts going easier on you

¬Four months, he gets the shock of his life when you break down on the field from extreme pains from your stomach, the lack of sleep making you start to whimper and sob

¬Levi immediately was at your side apologizing for nearly breaking you completely, explaining he wanted you to be able to protect yourself for when he's not there

¬He goes easier on you then

¬You start to actually like training again

¬He would be apologizing for weeks after, getting you small gifts and being extra affectionate

¬He just wants you to be safe

¬Your his world, he wouldn't know where he would be without you ^.^

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