Levi x Apologetic!Reader ~ I'm Sorry..

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Request: Hello ^^ Could you do a scenario for Levi? He and the reader have been dating for a few months now but then she started to push him away after he almost got himself killed to save her in the latest exp. He wasn't bothered by her behaviour at first but Levi noticed she keeps distancing herself and acts colder towards him. It annoyed him so much so he decided to talk about it and then angst happens. Thanks!

Hello! This is going to b fUn

Warning: Angst


You sat on the end of your bed reading a novel that Mikasa gave you for your birthday last year, completely engrossed in the story you failed to notice Hanji walk into your room greeting you warmly ''hey Y/N~'' she sang to you playfully, pulling out a chair from your little desk and sitting facing you, a content smile playing on her face.

''Hello Hanji how are you'' you asked marking the page and putting your book away stretching tiredly. Hanji's smile faltered a slight bit making you grown concerned for your friend ''hey Hanji you okay?'' you tried bringing her back to reality until she questioned you ''why do not go near Levi anymore Y/N?'' the question caught you off guard ''w-what do you mean H-Hanji..?'' you stuttered nervously as the scientist leaned forward in her chair ''no need to be nervous with me Y/N! I was just wondering that's all!'' Hanji offered you one of her goofy smiles making you laugh lightly to yourself ''you weren't there when it happened..?'' You say carefully, she shakes her head and motions for you to continue ''Levi almost got himself killed to save me Hanji... I don't deserve him... he deserves better... thinking he would risk his life for me only a few months into dating... It's my fault he almost died that day I'm just too weak'' you sniffled tears pricking from the corner of your E/C eyes. Hanji's gaze softened ''Levi's fine Y/N at least he's still here right? He's worried for you, you keep distancing yourself and pushing him away.. he misses you..'' Hanji admitted fiddling with her thumbs. ''You should talk to him before it's too late Y/N, plus he did that because he loves you, you know how shorty is all grumpy but when you appeared he turned to a big softy just for you he adores you'' Hanji continued standing up '' why don't you talk to him? He won't bite and he'd never hurt you I know that for a fact'' she smiled gently ''come on, lets go get dinner'' I sighed standing up and followed the taller woman to the mess hall.

// Levi's P.O.V \

I watched as Hanji came into the mess hall, followed by Y/N, I kept my eye on them both while Hanji waved bye to Y/N and joined the superior table. I finished my food and sat there staring into space. Seeing Y/N stand up looking over to me from the corner of her eye and leave. I clenched my fists before standing up abruptly and going out of the mess hall after her.

// Your P.O.V \

''Oi Y/N! Y/N!'' I heard Levi calling out from behind me and decided to ignore him. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I stopped in my tracks, looking down to the stone floor beneath us. ''Why the hell are you ignoring me? Whatever I did I'm sorry dammit'' Levi panted his hand gently holding onto my shoulder, silence clouded us both before my soft sobs were heard. Instinctively Levi appeared in front of me in a second leaning down to me, hands both gently on the sides of my face.

''Hey.. Hey brat what's wrong..? Someone annoying you? Come on don't cry please..'' Levi mumbled while pulling me into his chest, carefully rubbing my back ''you need to tell me what's wrong Y/N I won't be able to help you if you can't tell me..'' he continued as you cried into his chest, pulling on his jacket. ''Baby.. let me help..please..?'' Levi offered his softest tone of voice before I look up to him sniffling ''y-you almost died b-because I was stupid! You were willing to give up your life to save mine! I don't deserve you.. you can do so much better I'm so sorry Levi..'' I cried, tears streaking down my cheeks. Levi gently wipes them away with his thumbs before laying his forehead onto mine. ''Don't say that.. you're gorgeous..you're smart.. in my eyes, you're a queen you should be treated like royalty... I love you'' Levi softly smiled, I sniffled softly ''I love you too I'm sorry for ignoring you..'' I whispered, he nodded before mumbling ''it's okay.. I've got you and next time I promise I won't put my life in danger when rescuing my princess'' Levi chuckled before kissing me gently.

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