Levi x Kid!Reader ~ Ocean

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Request: imagine levi's 3 year old daughter going along with everyone when they go see the ocean and when they're ready to leave the can't find her they all frantically look for her then armin finds her swimming with some dolphins in the shallows

MeGa OoF cUtEneSs cOmiNg RiGhT uP!

Warnings: None


You held onto your fathers hand as you watched your friends run off to sprint towards the sea, tightening your little hold around Levi's finger you tried to pull on it to grab his attention which you successfully did.

"Hm?" Levi asked you, watching you stamper on the spot pointing eagerly to the gentle waves that sprayed against the course sand beneath your feet "I wanna go!" you begged Levi now pointing towards Hanji who was looking around having the time of her life, Eren, Mikasa and Armin stood together grinning out towards the vast sea. Jean, Connie and Sasha splashing playfully. Levi shook his head "the water could be dirty, or worse.. poisnous Y/N" Levi refused, you pouted your lip quivering as you looked up to Levi with glossy eyes.

"Awe come on Levi this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity for her!" Hanji called out seeing Y/N on the verge of tears, sighing he nods watching his daughter's face light up before she goes sprinting as fast as her little legs could carry to the water.

Once Y/N ran into the water she squealed in delight, bending down putting her hands in it and seeing them under the clear water made her grin with happiness.

Levi sat on a rock watching her, he was ready to run to her if anything went wrong. "Hey shorty come on why don't you try it out! Remember what I said about the once in a lifetime opportunity?!" Hanji grinned towards the shorter male who rolled his eyes at her.

// Time Skip - When They Are About To Leave \

Everyone was drying off and putting back on their boots as they quietly chat, Hanji sitting on the sand next to the rock Levi leant on. "Alright is everyone ready to leave?" She called out as she stood up smiling pleasantly "no.." Hanji could hear Levi whisper from behind her "huh?" she asked turning around seeing Levi with a fear struck face. "Y/N's not here" He panicked, his heart beginning to speed up in his chest. "Oh my! Everyone split up and look around the area for Y/N!" Hanji ordered.

"Y/N!!" "Hey Y/N!?" you could hear your friends shout and call out your name but you didn't care you found really friendly dolphins that swam with you. As you were gently petting one of the dolphins fins the others were swimming around making sure no fish disturb you both.

You held onto thr dolphin as it began to swim around making you giggle with delight.

"Y/N?!" "Y/N!" Armin called out as he climbed over a large rock, immediately spotting you gleefully swimming with the large fish. "Section Commander! Captain! I found her!" Armin shouted across to them, catching their attention they quickly joined him on the rock.

Levi paled seeing you what it looked like being circled by 'monsterous fish that could eat you whole' but instead you were laughing and playing with the animals. Hanji squealed at the peaceful creatures jumping down from the rock and running over to the water where she was greeted by more dolphins and even smaller baby ones.

Without hesitation Levi pounded down off the rock to get you, a frown playing on his face.

// Time skip - 30 Minutes Later \

You sat in front of your father as he rode the horse back home, a content smile on your face from the friends you made while you snuggled into Levi's warm chest falling asleep.

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