Headcanon #20

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Request: Could you do a Levi x reader (HC or one shot, whichever you think is better) where the reader is the one shot by Kenny on the roof with Levi but after the fight Levi finds out she was just really injured instead of killed.

I couldn't really wrap a little story around this so I just used a hc instead

Warning: Cursing


× It happened so fast, one minute you were snickering at a joke you made.... The next minute you were shot

× Levi stared at your 'corpse' in absolute horror

× Did he loose you that easily?

× Kenny's troops better run because Levi is going to go on a freaking r a m p a g e

× His thoughts would be clouded from the scene playing over and over again

× "Well Levi I never knew you and that girl were going out well... Until I shot her that is"

× Kenny thinks he can be a smug bastard about it

× This just angers Levi more

× While all this was going on with Levi and Kenny you gained back consciousness

× You had been shot in the shoulder

× Kenny's aim was shit indeed

× Since there were no MP's near you you set off again

× You eventually met up with Mikasa and the others

× They'd be extremely worried and concerned on why you're acting so casual while having a bullet hole in your shoulder

× Tis simply the adrenaline fading the pain

× When you, Mikasa and the others catch up with Levi he goes wide eyed at the sight of you

× "What's wrong cap? You seem to look like I came back from the dead"

× He's beaming with happiness since you're still alive and kicking

× When you return to the warehouse to rest Levi crushes you in a hug when you are alone

× "Careful.. My shoulder remember?"

× "Yeah I know.. Let me fix it"

× This man takes great care of your shoulder

× Once he's finished with it he'd smother you in kisses

× "I thought I lost you... I was so fucking scared.."

× "I ain't going anywhere anytime soon"

× Levi would be watching you sit by the little fire they'd be circled around eating at

× He'd make sure you're okay more often now after what happened

× You'd act like nothing happened since you're still here right? There's nothing to worry about

× Even though you would be completely drained

× God bless you, the second you got in a comfortable spot you're already asleep

× Levi would watch over you sleep since his insomnia and that nothing could hurt you

× He's doing everything he can to protect you

× Levi would listen to your random rambling about returning to Shiganshina when the government are overthrown and you could get proper treatment

× You'd lay in the medical bed for hours talking to him about your childhood and what it used to be like there

× Your face when you see your home again makes Levi's heart skyrocket

Love One Another - Levi x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now