Headcanon #8

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Request: heyy!! could you write a reaction hc for levi's s/o who wears braces and he finds it litterally the cutest thing ever (though he won't admit it) and when she comes back with her braces taken off

Yass this is so adorable!


× You used to wear braces and they surprisingly suited you than most people

× Levi adored it

× Would compliment you from time to time but not that often because ⬇️

× He tries to play the cool guy but it fails terribly

× Your friends even agreed the braces suited you

× You couldn't be more happier

× One day you walked inside Levi's office without braces

× He smiles at you

× "How do you feel not having metal in your mouth 24/7?"

× "Levi!"

× Levi would still adore you and would still think you're the most adorable and cutest thing that ever existed even without your braces

× He loves you ❤️

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